What the heck is up with dac?

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Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I've been supporting my best friend and his family on a very serious issue. My best friend (all the way from high school...) has a younger brother who recently died of throat cancer. Needless to say he was also like a brother to me so we both are dealing with a great loss. I'm not sure if any of you have ever had to deal with something like this before but it's very tough, emotionally and mentally.

Throat cancer is probably one of the worst cancers to witness a person go through because it changes your physical appearance as it progresses unlike internal cancers. To see my best friends brother go through that was very devastating to say the least. Anyway, my best friend needed a place to chill and get his head back together so I offered him a place to stay in my home. I feel really obligated to watch him as he recovers and heals from such a great loss.

All of this has put me behind on projects that I was working on in conjunction with several of you cats here on ill. I hope you all understand... If it is something that can not wait, by all means, find someone else to do it because there is gonna be a healing process behind this. Right now, music is NOT a priority with me, healing and getting pass this is, you guys will be on my mind at some point every day but I'm gonna be spending some time with my boy. I will quietly check in and out periodically. Peace.



ill o.g.
Battle Points: 186
Dac, my thoughts are with you and your friend's family. I can't wait for you to get back to ILL, it's definitely not the same around here without you, but with that said, take your time. Be the best friend you can be, sounds like you already are.

My condolences, friend.



The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I'm sorry to hear that. I've been through that situation before and it's no fun seeing someone change into almost a stranger. Keep your head up!


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
sorry to hear it Dac, do what you need. Its hard, you have enough responsibilities!

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
my condolences. my grandmother died of breast cancer. she looked like a different person when her time came. it was sad to see her go out that way,so i know what you mean. take your time, we will still be here.
Sorry to hear about that man, my best mate from school has cancer, he has been in hospital for about 6 months now.
Its hard to get to see him because of the risk of infections, but I saw him the other day when he was allowed out for a couple days, he looked okay, but hes still back in the hospital.
See you when you get the time to pass through.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
stay ^^^ Dac...I watched my mom take her last breath from throat and esophageal cancer at the age of 45 so I know its not a game.

skid, my dude, I got much respect for you bro...Im seriously putting this tragedy as one of the hardest things I have ever had to sit back and watch happen to a human being. Alot of cats get me wrong on some of my views but its things like this that make me the way I am about certain issues. I use to smoke... had I witnessed this before, I would have never allowed a cigarette to touch my lips, the thing is... you don't think it could ever be you.

Another lesson I learned from this experience was...we only get one chance at life...we can break our arms, legs or whatever and live, scratches, cuts and wounds all heal but doing things that can cause cancer and many other diseases is on a whole different level. For some, there is NO second chance and I can assure anybody here, you DO NOT want to be in that physical state.

I really did learn a lot of things (good and bad) from this experience. Im gonna move on now and share those lessons when the opportunity calls. Whoever said "life is fragile" should have said it alot louder!

I'll be back soon...

P.S. Thanks OZ!

Peace Kings!