Were going through a whole bunch of gear at the studio, we have the avalons, focusrites, audient and a bunch of mics too just to see what's nice or not. Funny stuff, like we returned the u78 because it didnt sound better than the AKG Solitube we use on the daily. Im not on this cuz I give fuck all about mics but I could get some opinions about the rest of the pre's.
Or, if you're brave enough, make one yourself... there's lots of diy schematics and part order lists of most of the famous pre amps and comps. Considering the most basic pro setup being a neve pre with 1176/1178 comp, you can save up to a 2/3 of the price on the original models and even improve them with diy modifications. The DIY pages about the projects are described in every detail with all the neccesary pics and explainations, basicaly any noob can build a class-a pre amp or compressor, tubed or not. You do need to read though, put some pieces together and perhaps drill a few holes...