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Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Info: A man gets shot at 81 times by the police. The policemen's bullets also struck a police dog they released, which was airlifted to a hospital while the man was allowed to bleed to death.

I guess put the gun down means put the gun down...


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9


Not only did they shoot him a million times, while he was dying, he moved for a second, prolly wit his last breath, and the pigs are steady "HES GETTING UP HES GETTIN UP, WATCH HIS HAND"

WTF! you just blew all his limbs off why you still scared for fuckin pussies.

Its fucked up how they go check on the dog with guns raised at the VICTIM.

i understand that he was THREATENING to shoot.. which he prolly meant shooting the dog, but thats no reason for the entire force to shoot to kill.


The Bastard

the kid was stupid for givin the police a reason to do that to him,yeah if he put his guna down the cops woulda released the dog on him , cuz the cops are pussies, but at least hed be alive


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
This does not surprise me, and it shouldnt really cause a stir, this is how they roll .....see the first shots, he threw the gun, now whether he did that as a result of being shot and reflexed or whether he just did it cause he bluffed them and was gonna give up if they pressed him....he died, so it just shows you, and should always serve as a lesson, trigger happiness and a posse with guns will always prevail over 1 stupid fool with 1 gun talking shit, think about it you have no wins in a situation like that so maybe he wanted it to happen.... in ways I feel sorry RIP,but to be honest he was given full warning to save his own life, does anyone know the full circumstances though?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Word is bond he should've just put the gun down! He was so worried about the dog that he forgot about 20 cops with guns trained him. I guess he did'nt know that they consider those dogs as officers and if you kill one them it's like you shot a human cop. He brought that shit upon himself. Even though I still think that it's a punk move from the cops to shoot him so many times. This ain't the first time this has happened though.
While you bullshittin' check out this stupid mutha' right here..........

Dumb ass..........lol!


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Agreed Big D, I think after listenin to them argue afterwards that someone shot a taser and everybody else just lit him up.
Shit the cops shot the dog...
Cuz threw that gun alittle late..They didnt have to shoot him he didnt even draw but yeah put it down means put it down...

Oh-ten I have seen that b4 very funny stuff..
They told him but the big one down...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 32
Info: A man gets shot at 81 times by the police. The policemen's bullets also struck a police dog they released, which was airlifted to a hospital while the man was allowed to bleed to death.

I guess put the gun down means put the gun down...

That's ridiculous and sad, the worst part of it is it's not even a police thing, there a lot of people out there who in the same position would have exactly the same reactions: Disregard for the life of another human being, and putting the welfare of an animal above that of a human being

Lol "they'll prolly never ever let me show guns again"

Benny BuKu

ill o.g.
hey I'm the first one to say fuck the police...but that mafucka asked for it. but he said it...he wanted to die...so he got his wish....I just think it's funny how the cops were really upset about shootin the dog and didn't give a fuck about the human life they just took.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
have to check it when I got home but I was talkin to a dog cop yesterday who I liked up until yesterday who was like:
"Yeah that happened in Florida, they only stopped shooting because they ran out of bullets."
Thats a fucked up statement , yeah watch ya back out there...