Vent/Rant thread


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
So I thought I'd create a new thread so people can vent. I'll start...

So today I was at the Value Village, a local thrift shop in Canada. I was locking up my bike outside the store when some 30 year old Frenchman asks me "Avez vous de change?", basically asking me for money, when in fact he did not look the least bit homeless, and looked more like a douchebag hipster. Anyways, I went inside the store and went digging for records, and as I approach another section of the store, the same fucking douche bag I met outside asking me for change is getting ready to buy a retro 80's stereo with money he no doubt go from somebody else. What's wrong with the world today? People are really fucking scummy these days...


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Good story!

I was sitting here earlier and this stupid fly kept buzzing around, pissing me off. I thought he left but he was still around, mainly around my feet. I was trying to kill him but he was being a fly and flying away. So I called my cat, Herbie, and he handled his business... sort of. He swatted him then sat while the fly flew around a bit more until I had enough and I killed it with my kleenex box.

End of vent.
Good story!

I was sitting here earlier and this stupid fly kept buzzing around, pissing me off. I thought he left but he was still around, mainly around my feet. I was trying to kill him but he was being a fly and flying away. So I called my cat, Herbie, and he handled his business... sort of. He swatted him then sat while the fly flew around a bit more until I had enough and I killed it with my kleenex box.

End of vent.


I can moan for britain but I will hold back for now.