UK in the house

  • warzone round 3 voting begins in...


Sup y'all just a quick introductory note...I run WaxWorx Records in the UK (been around on and off since '92), I been producin' since my Atari 520ST in what, 1988? Progressed to an Amiga 1200, then PC around 96 as it was cheaper than a Mac, then bought a G4 Pro Tools setup in 98. Now I have a intel Mac running Logic Pro and I am moving to a new house with a basement I can tailor a studio into, so I'll be running a quad G5 on Logic Pro there, with a vocal booth and a 24 track desk (analogue of course) for that bottom heavy crunch!

I've remixed a few bits and I'm a vinyl junkie. Next year I'll be deejaying out again and will be releasing an EP by Septimus Creech on WaxWorx in the spring, hopefully to be followed by an LP next autumn. I am also releasing my own material soon, and collaborating with others on new music. I started with hip hop in 1982 and there ain't a lot I haven't seen or done, but knowledge is infinite, so I'm always learning! Props for a great site and I hope to be posting on the regular as my dayjob don't block the site!

My missus is a singer and I am producing some hip hop cuts for her new LP next year, her link is at the bottom.

Peace & season's greetings to all.


Yes D! I'm gonna try to get on here on the regular. I'm on some ill tracks at the minute so I'll shout ya soon. I move in to the new place on Jan 19th, so as soon as I'm set up get your arse round and we can redefine hip hop!



Thanks for the welcomes people...@Afrique, I'm in Dudley, West Mids...