Troy Davis


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304

Here's my gripe, and it's my own opinion and I am not here to offend anyone...I dislike everyone the same.

Let's take a trip back to a couple months ago:

The world thought Casey Anthony's case was a sure conviction, all this evidence is against her, and yet.......she walks....we say our justice system sucks...

Now Troy Davis...

There's ballistics evidence that matches another crime scene which he was involved in....(should've kept his ass clean from jump, but that's immaterial).

The witnesses (who waited until a week ago to recant their original statements) state that they were under pressure by the police (which is possible) to state that Davis was there and pulled the trigger.

Here's my thing:

Why did the defense only use signed affidavits? Why didn't we put them on the stand and make it a LEGIT testimony that could be overturned?

How lame was the defense willing to do a lie detector test for troy davis? That's the biggest amount of horse shit ever.....and we all know that lie detector results are not admissible in court....

I call shenanigans.

I agree our justice system is is the best out there.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
The problem wasnt that, its they had no dna nothing but recanted witness statements. The other guy admitted to murdering the cop.

After all that, they still felt the need to execute? thats TOOO much weak evidence. Troy sat in a cell for 19yrs. What part of that was fair?

We do not have a justice system, we have a LEGAL system. The supreme court couldnt do anything because he did not PROVE he was INNOCENT, when we are supposed to be innocent until proven other wise. That did not happen. There was no proof.

I agree there are worse LEGAL systems, doesnt change that ours is FUCKED UP and that we still NEED to make it better.Bottom line [Thread/]

DJ Excellence

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I sympathize with the victim's family but I am totally against the death penalty. To me that "eye for an eye" mentality is so outdated and barbaric , but hey I grew up in Europe and that's the general consensus over there.

I wouldn't say the legal system of a particular country is "the best" because as with any cultural element > it's very subjective.

I agree our justice system is is the best out there.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
The other guy admitted according to witnesses....but that is just hearsay...and that's why it was not pursued.

I'm not saying it is fair or is our "legal" system...

well....ballistics from another crime that he was allegedly part of...there's the circumstantial evidence...

We want him to walk for only circumstantial evidence.........

But we want Casey Anthony tortured for circumstantial evidence......

We have mistakes in both cases....which most likely turned the case.

I know a little girl was killed.......I also know a cop was killed.......

Does a child deserve MORE justice than an adult cop?

They're both victims, regardless of age.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
What else can be expected from the system that we live in today? This is the same system that is slowly throwing all of our morals out. Let's move away from what worked yesterday because that's the "old" way of thinking....let's rethink it all. Let's make new rules for a new day...

It's all going to fail and when it finally does, we will realize where we went wrong but it will be too late. The damage will be irreversible.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
I think if we as a society put the effort and energy spent on this into improving our society and country, we'd get somewhere....

and about 90% of the people would forget his name by this time next month....

They'd be trending what's poppin on Jersey Shore...because that's what's everyone is checking out..

I do like our legal system, however if I were to change things I'd probably go for a professional jury...

a jury who is well versed in a specific type of law, and grab these people from all walks of life, this way they can make impartial decisions based on the facts and not be sidetracked by stupid shenanigans by attorneys on both sides.

As far-fetched as it sounds, I think that's the way to go in my opinion... Because I can't really think of anything else.....

And Ex...yes it is me patriotic....or another arrogant american bastard. =)
I prefer arrogant.....although I love my country very much, just not the bastards running it, including our president.

DJ Excellence

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
That would create a conflict of interest. The lawyers in the jury box could well have had direct or indirect contacts with both the attorneys representing the defendant and those representing the plaintiff.

Despite the large number of legal professionals in the US, screening would be extremely difficult.
however if I were to change things I'd probably go for a professional jury...

a jury who is well versed in a specific type of law, and grab these people from all walks of life, this way they can make impartial decisions based on the facts and not be sidetracked by stupid shenanigans by attorneys on both sides.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
We want him to walk for only circumstantial evidence.........

Correction. No one wanted him to walk, we wanted him NOT to be EXECUTED untill there was better evidence. BIIIIIG difference!


RIP Troy Davis, you are now more free than we are

I think if we as a society put the effort and energy spent on this into improving our society and country, we'd get somewhere....

So you think trying to get a man under death penalty for more than resonable doubt is unworthy of our efforts?? wow

and about 90% of the people would forget his name by this time next month....

They'd be trending what's poppin on Jersey Shore...because that's what's everyone is checking out..

This is true. Which is why it was GOOD. People who didnt care yesterday made the choiced to add their voice to the chorus. The pope, former president, prosecuter etc etc all added their voices. The world knew it was wrong and SAID it!!

That is the glimmer of hope for humanity. We found out how strong we can be. Whether people genuinely cared or not, WE proved its possible, just not this one time. Theres hope


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
So you think trying to get a man under death penalty for more than resonable doubt is unworthy of our efforts?? wow

Nope I don't think that's the case....

People for the most part don't give a shit, but say it's wrong then keep it moving....not being affected by it wholeheartedly.

If celebs didn't post anything regarding it, most people wouldn't even post anything regarding it...
The media runs shit...and the masses don't even know it.

A glimmer of hope, yes....

But just a glimmer

That would create a conflict of interest. The lawyers in the jury box could well have had direct or indirect contacts with both the attorneys representing the defendant and those representing the plaintiff.


But that probably happens in every high-profile case.

Correction. No one wanted him to walk, we wanted him NOT to be EXECUTED untill there was better evidence. BIIIIIG difference!


RIP Troy Davis, you are now more free than we are

People were saying he was put to death for a crime he didn't commit.

That would imply that people were thinking he was innocent, right?

Or "there wasn't enough evidence", I would think that would imply innocence as well.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
People were saying he was put to death for a crime he didn't commit.

That would imply that people were thinking he was innocent, right?

Or "there wasn't enough evidence", I would think that would imply innocence as well.

Prob a million RTs, and tweets fly across my eyes and not one said he was innocent. Lets assume they did, how does that justify murdering someone when there is more than normal doubt? He cant just get life? He already did 19yrs and they tried to murder him 4 times before.

The force is weak with your logic

Nope I don't think that's the case....

People for the most part don't give a shit, but say it's wrong then keep it moving....not being affected by it wholeheartedly.

If celebs didn't post anything regarding it, most people wouldn't even post anything regarding it...
The media runs shit...and the masses don't even know it.

A glimmer of hope, yes....

But just a glimmer

True, but isnt a glimmer enough to push for? or are you just gonna quit on humanity?

Orrrr, is the general population of humans showing you some reason to believe some other way, currently??


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
I don't understand how in this day and age we can allow someone to be convicted and executed mainly based off of someone's testimony?!!? If they're not 100% sure he did it (aka no straight up evidence) then he shouldn't be convicted, just like the Casey Anthony trial. Everyone knows she did it, yet they just couldn't prove 100% that she did.

This is bullshit. I don't want to bring race into this but I'm sure it's because of his skin color too, that's got to obviously be one of the reasons why he was convicted solely on testimony.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
There's ballistics evidence that matches another crime scene which he was involved in....(should've kept his ass clean from jump, but that's immaterial).

Simply NOT was the ballistics found at the SECOND crime scene (Cops death) and the FAKE ASS witness testimony from the SECOND crime scene that cross referenced the first! No witnesses placed him at the first shooting! Let's not speread untruths now that the man is no longer here in an attempt to prove your point. The bottom line is that 7 of 9 recanted there statement. 7....not 1....7...know way I could sleep at night knowing I took or helped take a mans life with that being out there. Charles Mansion had several prison interviews...Troy....not ONE. The Jackson State Prison Warden was a Savanah police officer at the time of the off duty cops murder! JUST TOO MANY THINGS THAT POINT IN THE DIRECTION OF THIS NOT BEING RIGHT was there. I don't care if the guy was green from Mars he should not have been put to death based on the evidence.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
I don't think he should've been executed.....I think if there's any doubt that he was involved, then that should have acquitted him.....Similar to Casey Anthony....

I just don't get how people say she should be killed, but are fucking livid that she got off....

And the SAME people....(not calling people out, no one here, anyway) are saying that Troy Davis should be innocent...

This is my main concern....

Evidence is evidence, it is up to the judge to determine whether or not it was admissible....It is up to the jury to determine whether a conviction is warranted......

Another problem I have is the recanting of the witnesses' stories WAY after the fact.... The cops were pressuring them? I wouldn't doubt it....

I've not given up on humanity...I've given up on the US public (the uninformed masses who just agree to whatever is told to them by the media). Nothing but a bunch of sheep who can't think for themselves. The same people who allowed fear to enact the Patriot Act. The same people who say "well I have nothing to hide, so they could listen to my phone calls"..

The same people who allowed this economic collapse to happen...... I love what this country stood for....we as a people allowed media to control us....that is my problem.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73

Now this is where the MEDIA needs to be put to death. First of all...I try not to comment on shhh I have absolutely ZERO knowledge of so I've been digging into this story more.

Seems that "our boy troy" was a terror down there in Savanah. He was linked to two other people being shot that same day besides the off duty police officer. And I'm not speaking of the other person who was shot in the face that matched the "ballistics" found at the off duty cops murder.

Why have the media not said SHIT about this....maybe people wouldn't have been wearing those "free Troy T-shirts" pushing somebody's agenda!

From the information I'm gather he would have NEVER been released anyway. He was sentenced to life without parole for the additional shootings.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
That's awesome.....

The media needs people to watch their shows....

If everyone knew this from jump...they wouldn't have anyone watching the television......he'd get the same attention the guy from Texas got when he was executed this past week.....


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Seems that "our boy troy" was a terror down there in Savanah. He was linked to two other people being shot that same day besides the off duty police officer. And I'm not speaking of the other person who was shot in the face that matched the "ballistics" found at the off duty cops murder.

Why have the media not said SHIT about this....maybe people wouldn't have been wearing those "free Troy T-shirts" pushing somebody's agenda!

From the information I'm gather he would have NEVER been released anyway. He was sentenced to life without parole for the additional shootings.

Got the links?

Edit: man, I cant find anything on the other cases, or anything that says he was linked to shooting someone else, Other than him being there with the guy (Who was apparently a friend, so Ive heard).

This is basically a mess of he say she say right now, looking forward to your links though


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Got the links?

Edit: man, I cant find anything on the other cases, or anything that says he was linked to shooting someone else, Other than him being there with the guy (Who was apparently a friend, so Ive heard).

This is basically a mess of he say she say right now, looking forward to your links though

No links man...I actually caught it on the local news. U know I'm in Ga. so they've still been running little pieces of the case. A cop friend of mine who was on the "save Troy Davis bandwagon" up until the end also dug up some info. for me. Troy ran with a group of dudes that terrorized the hood so to speak. You know most cities or towns have that type bunch. Always into trouble so something was bound to happen to him or the public! Savanah was and still is ruff.....there's a destint line between the "haves and the have nots" down there. I vacation down there sometimes...the poor are reallllllllly poor. Very pretty place close to the ocean front but you have to pass through the slums to get to it. It's sad to see so much tourist action down there and still have such poverty!


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Ah ok, thats crazy. I guess word of mouth is the only way most of the real info would be out. All the details are so fuzzy, its probably for the best to just stick to the undisputed facts.

Thats how it is in DC. You have to super poor blocks away from the luxury rich/tourist areas. It does make you wonder. I definitely doesnt help with the separation