Trigger Finger Reason Mapping...


Carpe Diem

I've searched the boards, but can't find anything specific to my problem, maybe someone can help?

Yesterday I installed the Trigger Finger to work alongside Reason, everything worked fine... I edited my MIDI preferences etc and got down to busieness... Today, I turn it back on, and nothing is working...

I've sent the 'Reason ReDrum' preset to the device from Enigma, but still nothing... All that Reason seems to recognise is the volume slider... When I hit the pads, there is no triggering of sounds, instead, some pads adjust some of the parameters within the ReDrum...

Any advice guys, this is REALLY irritating me!


Carpe Diem

I wasn't saving the presets to the Trigger Finger... Once I saved them all was good

Carpe Diem

ARGH! I lost the connection between the Trigger and the USB, and now when I try and assign the pads, it isn't happening... Reason is recognising the TF, its allowing me to change velocity levels etc (via the knobs), yet when I hit a pad that should trigger Drum#1, nothing happens.... I've uploaded the Enigma [preset 16] to the TF (this worked b4), but nothing... Any ideas?