This is NOT RIGHT!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Pffff....... Some people are just fuckin stupid like that..

Bruce Lee was the man. His books and his movies are the shit and I think alot of people can learn from him. Obviously, these cat's don't know who he was or what he stood for.


Iller Than Most
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Well I say good to them. The reason they used bruce lee was to bridge the gap between the different people living in mostar.

They couldn't use a symbol that reprecented any of the cultures cous that'd be biuos.
So they chose a Chineesa man and faced him east so he wouldn't look at any of the settling devided peoples.
And they chose him because he was a hero that stood by the poor and helpless and they posed him in a guard stance, not in attack.

So, why nuke em. They did the only possible out of an impossible situation in my opinion


Iller Than Most
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
That is the whole point. Thay couldn't use a symbol from there because it would fall bious on the side of the population they chose their symbol from and because of that the gap would only largen. And that wasn't the point.

THe whole point wasen't to take an iconic american symbol (wich he's not btw, he couldn't even speak english).
THe point was to take something that was totally out of context so that people wouldn't be offended on either side and to convey a message of hope and of unity.

This form was the only way,

I saw an interview with the artist soem days ago about this. It sounds strange but hey. I give them my thumbs up


ill o.g.
andreas said:
THe whole point wasen't to take an iconic american symbol (wich he's not btw, he couldn't even speak english).

What???? He could speak engilsh. What would make you think he couldnt? Americans had a huge hand in the reason anbody even knows who Bruce Lee is.


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
it was drunken hooligans that disrespected that statue, and the fact that it spurned this kind of attention from the people signifies that they are taking peace seriously. It's really sad how long and cruel religous wars turn out. Hopefully they will learn to get along an respect their views no matter how different. But it seems it's human nature(for some) take a side if being debated.. look at our forums when various topics are brought up, some people get all heated because the other party doesn't agree with them. Sometimes it's better to agree that the two parties dissagree an leave it at that.


ill o.g.
andreas said:
So, why nuke em. They did the only possible out of an impossible situation in my opinion

Man dude, it was pretty obvious that he was joking about nuking them. And he wasn't referring to the fact that they put up the statue, he was talking about how those kids fucked with the statue. Come on dog.


ill o.g.
andreas said:
THe whole point wasen't to take an iconic american symbol (wich he's not btw, he couldn't even speak english).

Dude, how you bout to just spout off like that? He was born in San Francisco, California, grew up in Hong Kong, went to college in Seattle, Washington, and started a martial arts school in the great city of Oakland, California. I'm pretty sure he could speak English, or he would've had a tough time learning in an American University.

The Bastard

Chrono said:
Come-on Andreas has some good points. no need to disrespect. have you heard mr lee speak in his movies? sure he knew some engrish but definetly not that good
lee spoke perfect english. i seen mad interviews with him his vocubulary is better than mine, he was an educated dude, he jsut had an accent


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
The Bastard said:
lee spoke perfect english. i seen mad interviews with him his vocubulary is better than mine, he was an educated dude, he jsut had an accent
yeah really i only seen a few movies he made. it was pretty bad though, worse than jackie chans in his early years. but i don't know much about b.lee


Iller Than Most
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
YEah, man, I'm not saying I know who he was. All I took my point of view from was that he's always voiced over. That to me would imply he didn't know the language. Perhaps he did.

And I was also kidding when I said "why nuke em", ofcourse I understand that it was a joke. But I don' think that's the point here really.

The poin is hat I fully respect the decition to take B.Lee and puting him out on a statue since they got a reall thought over idea for it.
It's not like: "man, bruce lee is cool and I wanna put out a statue of him"

It's just that they needsomeone to be a rolemodel for sertain ways of thinking and acting, in this way to stand up for what is right and to guard and protect (not to fight) for your way of living and thinking.

All I'm saying is that I like it.

Benny BuKu

ill o.g.
Bruce Lee was the man....I still think that he was the toughest guy this planet has ever seen. I don't care what language he spoke or how well he spoke it, he's still the man...
and he spoke perfect english by the way...he just had an accent.


Iller Than Most
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
yeah I think I remember now how the story went.

He was a star in Hong Kong at first and the U.S studios voiced over the chineesemovies. They werent U.S made.

He was the man. A great pioneer in so many ways

The Bastard

i wish i had a shiny ass statue of bruce lee in front of my crib, thatd be one house in the pjs sum1 would not try to break in to. lol


Iller Than Most
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
I just had a thought. If you'd chose who the shiny ass statue would be of. Who'd it be?

I'd love to have a statue of Napoleon Dynamite infront of my apartment :D lol