The Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy (Complete First Edition)

One of the best films Ive seen on the whole subject. Yes it is more than 5 hours long, but it covers so many of the pieces of the puzzle that it is absolutely a must watch for anyone too lazy to go digging for all the videos and evidence for themselves. So much information is contained in this one video that I highly recommend anyone that thinks the conspiracy theorists are a bunch of nutters with irrational theories based on no factual evidence. If you really want to take the red pill, this can be a fantastic starting place.
Yes I say again it is nearly 5 and a half hours, I know people will see that and wont take just 5 hours out of their life to watch this, even though the implications have a vast control over so much of their day to day lives. I will post it and let you see it for yourself or not its up to you. You can choose to remain ignorant or open up your eyes to some things kept secret to you that will shock you to your core. This is a must see movie for every american and any citizen in the world that thinks they are free. I cannot stress this enough.

Cut and pasted from the youtube page........

This video provides shocking answers to some of the most important questions of our time:

Are we free?
Who rules the world?
How do they operate?
Who really shot JFK and why?
Who covered up the JFK assassination?
What really happened on 9/11?
How did the WTC collapse?
Does Al Qaeda even exist?
What happened to Bin Laden?
What are the wars really about?
How big is the conspiracy?
What is the New World Order?
What is the Illuminati?
How are secret societies involved?
What is their agenda?
How do they control politics?
How do banks fit in to all this?
How does the mainstream media fit in to this?
How does mind control and propaganda work?
Is there an agenda to depopulate the world?
What are modern depopulation techniques?
Are the Jews behind all this, or are they it's biggest victims?
How does all this affect us?
What can we do?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
[ame=""]The Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy (Complete 2nd Edition) - 110 Extra Minutes of Footage - YouTube[/ame]
I just finished watching Thrive, check this one too:

Thrive - Full Length - YouTube

This is a very good example of the elite trying to muscle in on the truth movement and get a point of control from within. When you know about Proctor and Gamble then that sets the alarm bells ringing. Truth mixed with disinfo, big budget movie, the bells are ringing. At least there is a lot of truth in the film, but I do question the motives of an heir to the Proctor&Gamble fortune. Especially when there is no mention of boycotting one of the major polluters in the world, Proctor and Gamble. And to be fair, nearly every "truth" movie I have seen has disinfo thrown in too.