
  • warzone round 3 voting begins in...


YO ILLMUZIK what up this ya boi Diamondback from the SoufKak. Originally from the Elm City, New Haven, CT 06511. yeah I'm a newbie to the scene of ILLMUZIK but not the music. been doin this since the highschool years and now i'm bout to graduate college. I consider my music to be mostly mellow feel nothing "hard" as people may call it, but trust its all good, when i get my artist/producer page just listen...all i can say. i dont know much about producing but i got a feel for it, so i will be the one annoying your @$$ with some "dumb" questions. you may have to flame me a bit but i'll catch on. Me and my boy got 2 albums (if you wanna call the first onethat, and the second has only 2 songs complete), but you can definitely hear a great progression in the music sound quality and etc. man just to let all the heads know i am not -by far- a lyricist, strictly producing, but you know when you got no artists you gotta take things into your own hands, kinda the opposite of stresswon's plight. but any way be on the lookout for ya boy on ILLMUZIK...OUT!


yeah i been lookin for a minute man. i just want to find that initial spark that just sets off a chain reaction for it all.

oh how do i post my music in the showcase?

open mind

just post a link to your track and give feedback to other beats posted there thats basicaly it.there is a sample flipage where we flip a posted sample or the regular showcase for your the rules for the showcase and have fun.