Studio One / PreSonus craftiness

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Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 590
Studio One / PreSonus (Fender) have been trying to force subscriptions subtly but getting a lot of backlash and people spotting it early.

They've now released their new pricing model, which is essentially a subscription hiding in plain sight -

$200 for full Studio One fully featured. However, in one year the next version of Studio One is released and you need to buy it again for $149 upgrade.
Subscription is $179 a year and comes with a bit more.

This is very disappointing and a clear result of the Fender takeover.


Mike Chief

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 6

Man, thats disappointing, especially since Studio One is pretty fuckin legit. Its exactly as Fade said - its gonna force people to use the cracked versions. Not that theres anything wrong with that imo, but, Ive noticed that more people are inclined to buy after they've used the cracked versions and actually get to a stable spot to afford the legit version.