Seasons about to change, and I haven't seen a Battle That! since November. I think it's time for the 1st 2004 Battle That! Competition. Anybody second this motion? ONE.
Hey as long as enough people are down for it (and ready to dish out the $10!) then we'll have one. Last time, remember? It was such a pain to get people to sign up. Let's hope this time will be much smoother.
MOST DEFFINITELY IN!!! It's about time i actually might get to enter in on something here... I can't wait... Maybe we can up it to 15 a pop even. Bring it on!
wassup yall... im real new to this site... but im definately with entering the beat comp... i gotta re read all the rules... i know theres that minimum forum posting rule... so i guess i better get busy reading and chattin on this muffucca... peace
LoL noooooo!!! Someone is going to take my title!!!!!! nooooooooo!!! LOLOL !!!! J/k
Hey, that would be great man.. People need this kind of food here... and Fade, you surely have time now to spend infront your computer no? LOL Ill be GLad to watch the competition...
Hell yeah i'll get into that, it would be alot of fun, i wasn't too involved in the site when you guys had the last one, so it will be my first one. Can't wait to see the dates for it though.
Well the main reason is i wanna see other cats do their thing. Untill recently i entered almost evey competition, radio station, battle etc... That the site had to offer lol. But i just wanna take a step back and enjoy some other folks, casue there is alot of new guys that i would like to hear from.
Also thats gonna be a pretty hectic time for me becasue i will be moving to brooklyn.
But who knows, nothing is written in stone. I can change my mind