soooooooooo. My little brother is home from the pen. again.

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Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
so far, so good. a much better situation this time around, in terms of his attitude. he doesnt shit on his family anymore- this last stint made him realize some things, i think. he treats me with the utmost respect now, which is cool.

he ent back to the pen for allegedly stabbing someone in the ear-i say allegedly because it didnt go don like that. the guy just got fucked up. given my brothers history of violent altercations where he seriously injured people WITHOUT weapons, this should have been obviious. but they had several eye witnesses who made statements that he stabbed him. no weapon was produced or found- thuogh my brother did have a knife on him before the fight.

there are some not-so-minor underlying issues to deal with though

long story short, he's from southern california. he spent most of his lock up time up north, starting with the youth authority in Ion and then prison in soledad.he eventually got to a point where he could "hold a position"-he became a ranking member, and gained some shot calling status, accrding to him. anyhow, he paroled and came home, back south, and got locked up again, and went to South West county and then to Chino state... where he apparantly dropped his Northener alegiance. he basically switched sides, thinking he would be safer while lcked up down here. then the fficials realized their mistake and sent him back up north-which makes no sense if you want to avoid gang activity, right? ell they sent him back north, but ord had already gotten around that he made the switch. basically, the kites got passed and he became "no good".

no here is where he got lucky; the north anted t move on him, but the south told them that he was one of theirs now, and they would deal with it. according to my brother, the north and south are night and day. northerners have a military mindset-they have a set plan f action for everything, they have defined roles in everything they d, including hits.

the south? not so efficient, and less "down" overall. so, it was the south who moved on him. he was warned to leave the yard but he wouldnt do it, foolish pride. soooooooo thre cats from the south moved on him and got lit up. after that, he got put in protective custody.

the problem now?

to get accepted into a gang in there, you gotta give them your papers. so they have all your info-home address and everything. they still have my moms information, though they moved-like 6 houses down. maybe 7. same area. people arund know what the word is, but nobody has come after him.

apparantly the 1st street ats that fucked with me for many years and fucked with him the hole time he was down last time, ell it seems as thugh he earned their respect for not budging. i personally dont trust those fucks for the life of me. he keeps it cool with them, and some of the cats he fucked up are cool with him at this point.

for the most part he stays out of the ay of these cats, he doesnt do eye cotanct with strangers anymore, any of that. i'm trying to talk him into moving in with me-i'm not around any of that shit. i got some wanna be tough guy white boys around here.. .but thats it... no real gang influence. but he wont, at least not yet.

thing is... it is well known at this point that a one on one or even jumping him wont do shit. im not "bragging" on him, but the kid is nice with his fists and he fucked up everyone that as sent at him. he has survived two handfuls of shank attempts- he is very adept at dodging an ducking and all that shit. he's quick and agile, he's fuckin spiderman without the backflips.

so what now? they gotta blast him if they want him. fortunately there is some heat on them right now so their activity has calmed down quite a bit. i'm trying to persuade him to come to my place. he's doing most of the right things... but staying where he's not a good look. i do NOT want to wind up burying him three months from now.


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
Glad to hear he's back and getting his act together.. Hopefully you can persuade him to move away from that nonsense, Best of luck to you both.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
^^^^^if thats the case, so be it

they dont have my moms current address
she livesnot half a block away though, and while folks kno here she lives if he gets aay from the area his chances are much better
as it stands, nothing at all has happened
but i worry that its the calm before the storm

whatever the case, if shit goes down fuck it
he's my brother and i'll be damned if i let anyone fuck with him and not back him
so if they find my address somehow,
i'm not above turning the clock back 8 years and gettin busy

ai got my fingers crossed that they were sending idle threats thugh, but yuo alays take shit like that seriusly.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
hey man good to hear that, but I oun wanna get into the family saga here, but the best thing it sounds like you need to re-locate, new life and everything man, I know plenty of cats that's been in and out of shit like you described, and also I lived out west for a minute and a couple of good friends were from the Covina and East la area, these are the kind of dudes that if you gain their trust they will fucking back you up in a bind and shit...but man that gang shit is NO joke, and the thing is right now the network is pretty widespread and with cons, if you never been locked up, even though thats your bro it's going to be hard for you to understand and fully identify, you can empathize but that's about it unless you were in his shoes.....Truth since you are the Big Bro here then do the right thing man, try and get some of your resources together and do like you had mentioned at one point I think....moving to Florida or some other place where you and your bro can bond some more and then get your lives going more positive...! Good luck

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
florida didnt go down, the jobs i applied for didnt work out

i dunno, right now i have a looooooooooooot of shit to ponder
caus ei need to assimilate him into society as quickly as possible- cause its basically aising a child, even though he is almost 21
he doesnt have the necessary skills to survive in the real world
and it aint nobody else going to sho him the way,
so while im trying to get my shit figured out and together
i gotta help him get his rolling
cause if i leave and take him with me, i gotta know that he can carry his weight

i spent 5 days in county and a few hours holding as aminor.. thats the extent of my criminal record
so yeah i can only empathize with him

thugh i never got into the gang scene, i have been on the recieving end of enough of the drama to know the drill ... and i know how much more involved things get with prison gangs

right no though, its first thing first
imtrying to figure out how to get my shit in a better situation, but truth is i have very little resources myself. my electricity is 24 hours away from gettin shut off! so really i am staying afloat right now and playing the aiting game with a few situations to find out whats up... as is he. the picture shuld clear up in a month or two though...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Wow, thank you for sharing Cold... This shit ain't no joke, gang-related biz IS ALWAYS fucked-up. I'd like to wish your brother the best of luck. In the same breath, I'm also sending my deepest blessings to you!

We're here for ya man, keep us up to date! One Love Fam!
Even though we're far far away, my heart & soul is with y'all.

You've had a hard time so far in your life Cold, you truthfully deserve a positive break!

"Life's a bitch, and then we die..." => It doesn't have to be this way ya know... WORD IS BOND.

WE GOTTA UNITE & KICK ASS. We must take humanity to the next level, further on, away from the sickness of this pitiable existence.

Best Regards,