serato and audio interface


ill o.g.
I need an audio interface for makin beats and recording, but I also need to upgrade my DJ set to serato. So basically what I want to do is get an audio interface that works with both serato and pro tools. Is it possible for me to get a m-audio firewire 1814 and plug my technics into that and somehow configure the inputs to stereo? Or does serato scratch live, the software, have a lock insisting that use use their own audio interface. yea, i know i'm being a cheap ass, but hey if it works, then great! hah
the turntable goes to the serato hardware then out into the mixer, then from that into the pc line in or to the amp. . And yes without the hardware interface serato is useless.
I cant see why you would want to use a different interface to control serato tho.
Im sure you mean soundcard?
Which is a different thing altogether.
You can always add other sources to the mixer and record through that.
You can also record directly into pro tools by having an audio track assigned to the inputs on your soundcard.