rex's files in da nn-nxt

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 141
im using sound fogre 7.0 to chop samples then dump them in recycle and chop up the sample i mad from soundforge7.0 after that save file as up reason, then open the nn-xt device.... at the top of the nn-xt there is a on it!!! call up the rex file then click on it....once the nn-xt is loaded u can control your different chops.... and if u have a midi keyboard hooked up to reason, the chop samples that were made in recycle are now spread out on the keys according to how many chops u made,, for example if i chop up a sample in recyle 6 times then those chops will be on 6 different keys on the midi controler!!!!!!u can even control each chop, by opening the nn-xt and select the chops and get it the way u want to,, for example.... if chop #1 is a little louder then chop#2 u can go in the nn-xt select the chop #1 {which will be highlighted} and turn it down!!!!!!! the nn-xt has become on of my favorite devices in reason3.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!check out my and check out "oh shit" wich is an al green sample!!!! but i used this method which gave me alot of control!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh the only thing im having trouble with is loading more than 1 sample in the nn-xt,, so if i load up a sample in da nn-xt i cant get them to go on a different keys on my midi controler like i do with the created rex files!!! like if i load a horn in the nnxt, then load up a piano they both play together they aren't on seperate keys... if anyone know how holla@me....1luv illumzik!!!!!! and every producer on here!!! stayup ya!!!


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
you can assign the keys to each sample by not opening the file at the top of the nn-xt but hitting the drop down box near the bottom left and loading samples through there, then you drag the sample in the screen inside the nn-xt all the way down to only cover one key or however many you like and do this untill your satisified, if this doesnt make sense im sorry but youll learn it sooner or later,

ill o.g.
why dont u just use dr rex.. u can control volume in that too. and pitch. and everything. but if ur still gona use nnxt, then u can right click in that blue box when u expand the nnxt and click load sample. load it up, and when u see it, u can drag the ends to specify for which key u want it to play. when u click the sample in the blue box, it also shows wut key its relative to at the top (they keyboard layout). so u can drag each sample to just a few keys. ye. goodluck