Regarding mic preamp...

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Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
blocks, it really depends on your vocal enviroment setup. The M-Audio bundle would definately be an improvement as far as quality goes because its a far better setup however, just because its a better quality doesn't really mean that it will be better for you. The M-Audio bundle has a larger frequency range than the Gemini mixer but thats a double-edged sword. A greater freq. range means that it will pick up things that your Gemini won't. So if youre recording your vocals in a controlled atmospere such as a sound booth where backgroud noises are eliminated then youre ok, if not, then I would suggest staying with the setup that you already have unless its just sounds like garbage. The Gemini's freq. ranges from 20Hz - 20kHz which is pretty good for an open enviroment such as a big room, its made to be used in a dj enviroment(alot of background noises). The M-Audio Buddys' (the pre-amp) freq. range is 5Hz - 50kHz which is good for a vocal booth type enviroment.

I personally would get the M-Audio bundle just for the price alone but depending on how you're going to use it will determine how much better it will be over your current setup.

good luck,

open mind
