Reason 4.0 coming this month!!!!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Propellerhead Software are proud to announce that Reason 4 will be released on September 26 at 12.00, CET.

Wow! 20 days and a few hours away. I was thinking it would be in stores mid to late October. Can't wait to get my hands on it.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
how much is it going for?

16 Days til launch! They are not saying how much the upgrade price will be. ( I'm thinking anywhere between $150-$200) Full version without upgrade will probably be $399.

i'll wait until it's 4.04 and most of the bugs are gone.

Propellhead don't usually have extensive problems. I beta tested it fo 3 months. I think we got 99% of any bugs worked out. A few may pop up but they'll probably be quick fix's. They move pretty fast on things like that.

open mind

I heard the canceled the release and are endorsing FL....

HAAHAHAHAHH! i knew lil drama would be the first to response to this AHAHAHAH!
so he needs to stick with reason v3 heheeheh no reason 4 this year! AHAHAHAH


ill o.g.
Since Fruity Loops is starting to annoy me a little bit, I decided to get both Ableton Live, and Reason ver 3. I am about to install reason now, is there a tutorial inside reason? I really like the Ableton Live tutortial, that software is SO much better than FL, and from what im told Reason is even better.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Since Fruity Loops is starting to annoy me a little bit, I decided to get both Ableton Live, and Reason ver 3. I am about to install reason now, is there a tutorial inside reason? I really like the Ableton Live tutortial, that software is SO much better than FL, and from what im told Reason is even better.

If it was legally purchased try here

There are plenty tuts on utube get power tools for reason 3.0...more indepth than any vid


ill o.g.
man, I cant figure out how to use Reason 3 or Ableton Live... cant even bring up a damn sample, and configure my computer keyboard to have the notes set... back to FL I guess...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
man, I cant figure out how to use Reason 3 or Ableton Live... cant even bring up a damn sample, and configure my computer keyboard to have the notes set... back to FL I guess...

If you were more comfortable working with FL then make the move back. I personally wouldn't because Reason is a monster. Sounds like you need to stop and read your manual from the beginning to the end. Since you reside in the "A" I'd be glad to help you but if you wanna take 3 steps back do what you gotta do!


I used fl for a bout 1 week and then someone gave me reason, i liked it right away. I find it easier to use, things im looking for a easier to locate.

I find reason has a mch better soundbank as well, take lil drama's advice and stick with Reason.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Omg!!!!!!!! Reason 4.0 Is A Beast.....i Love This Shit.....if You Love 3.0 U Gotta Get 4.0....if This Ain't The Best Shit Out I'd Like To See What Is.....the Thors Sound Is Amazing!


Does it still have the stuff were used too? Did they keep the mclass??


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Does it still have the stuff were used too? Did they keep the mclass??

if u can work 3.0 u can work 4.0. they didn't change how you make music with reason. they just added alot of things that make your job easier and things that make you more creative which is always good when you do music. thor, regroove mixer and the rpg8 just give you more tools to take your production to a new level. the synth sounds that come out of thor are unbelievable, u have to hear them to appreciate the difference.


if u can work 3.0 u can work 4.0. they didn't change how you make music with reason. they just added alot of things that make your job easier and things that make you more creative which is always good when you do music. thor, regroove mixer and the rpg8 just give you more tools to take your production to a new level. the synth sounds that come out of thor are unbelievable, u have to hear them to appreciate the difference.

ok so nnxt, nn19, sub and malstrom are gone replaced with these newer additions ?