Reamping with pedals

Hi guys!

I’m a songwriter and I reamp sometimes not only guitars but some other sounds. I have Marshall JH-1. It has good soft overdrive with no sound destroying but it rolls off the high frequencies. I’ve tried out the Boss DS-1 and DS-2 pedals (distortion ones). And a pink noise test running through them shows that the pedals have high frequencies but their distortion is way too much for applying to any drum sounds, electric pianos and so on. Also, I’ve tested Ibanez Tube Screamer and it has a big high cut even with tone compensation.

And I’d like to ask: do you know any not too expensive guitar overdrive pedals with even spectrum (at least to be able to tweak them similar way) and with high frequencies (with no kind of lowpass filter)?
What’s your budget? I know it’s a lot but the best thing on the planet that I know of for this is Elektrons Analog heat. It’s remarkable, but there is nothing it can’t do. And it’s not the cheapest thing in the world but boy does it rock.
I thought about something like 100-150$ pedal. But thank you for this recomendation. I'll buy it in the future. Youtube reviews showd me a lot great things about this tool


The Mr Bernard Who Laughs
Battle Points: 166
Welcome in my rabbit hole!

My understanding of your question leads me to this answer :
Either go for a Klon Centaur clone 'cause it is famed as the king of transparent overdrives. (in your budget and easily available I would recommend ehx soul food but there are so many options out there).
Or, the Nobels ODR-1 which has a spectrum knob to dial in the right amount of trebles.

I haven't tried and tested any of these 2 options though... just summing my knowledge on this matter after watching years of youtube videos.

FYI, so far I settled for a Timmy as my transparent boost but only on guitars. As I use mainly single coils, I don't mind if I lose a tiny bit of high end when distorting the amp. You might be able to find one used slighty over your budget. I did.

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