Reality Check...

Greg Savage

Ehh Fuck you
ill o.g.
I didn't have time to view his site.. But that paypal thing is his fault, he should have read and understood shit.. BUT that whole Recording/interest thing that was the only point he had... If he read the Policy he would had understood how shit worked!.. i knew exactly what the Paypal Policy ment

* This is why you need to Read shit Simple as that*​

They Policy Fucked him​


ill o.g.
no site that is purely in existence to facilitate the transfer of money has any right to go against the free speech standards of its country, and close an account because they disagree with a persons views on sure everyone of their customers has views where the people who run that company dont see eye to eye....they cant steal everybodies money for voicing those opinions, that is fucking stupid, and its against the law....whatever the paypal rules state, they cannot change american law, and as such have no legal right to do what they did....its just a fact....look, in many ways i find mark perkel to be a whiney nerd with false confidence, who rides his cynical antidisestablishmentarianism too far, and not often enough in the right manner......but there is no doubt he is unequivocally correct here, and they have done an illegal thing to him

he was alo doing something illegal when recording that woman.....but there is no doubt he is right here.......imagine if you had a blog site and one of your blogs had disagreeable views with paypal, and they took 300 off wouldnt agree then

money transaction has no place in freedom of speech decision making, there is no rationale in that, it is absolutely ridiculous

give the whiney left wing pinko his fucking $300 dollars back...and more importantly the money of people making transactions with him that werent even involved, and go on with making alot more fucking money than that per hard is it really


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
whatever it is its fucking robbery. i hate shit like that, when they claim its 'company policy' to take your money.


ill o.g.
Sin:Aesthetic said:
no site that is purely in existence to facilitate the transfer of money has any right to go against the free speech standards of its country, and close an account because they disagree with a persons views on sure everyone of their customers has views where the people who run that company dont see eye to eye....they cant steal everybodies money for voicing those opinions, that is fucking stupid, and its against the law....whatever the paypal rules state, they cannot change american law, and as such have no legal right to do what they did....its just a fact....look, in many ways i find mark perkel to be a whiney nerd with false confidence, who rides his cynical antidisestablishmentarianism too far, and not often enough in the right manner......but there is no doubt he is unequivocally correct here, and they have done an illegal thing to him

he was alo doing something illegal when recording that woman.....but there is no doubt he is right here.......imagine if you had a blog site and one of your blogs had disagreeable views with paypal, and they took 300 off wouldnt agree then

money transaction has no place in freedom of speech decision making, there is no rationale in that, it is absolutely ridiculous

give the whiney left wing pinko his fucking $300 dollars back...and more importantly the money of people making transactions with him that werent even involved, and go on with making alot more fucking money than that per hard is it really

A private company can not do business with whomever they want. That does not violate the freedom of speech right. All that freedom of speech gauruntees is that the GOVERNMENT won't censor your ideas, not that a company is required to provide their services for someone, or that a newspaper has to higher a columnist whose ideas oppose theirs, or that a university has to provide a lecture hall for a proffessor that denounces everything they preach. About the money thing, I don't know what the law says there, but I assume if he agreed to it it's all bad for him.


ill o.g.
o-a-ksavage said:
A private company can not do business with whomever they want. That does not violate the freedom of speech right. All that freedom of speech gauruntees is that the GOVERNMENT won't censor your ideas, not that a company is required to provide their services for someone, or that a newspaper has to higher a columnist whose ideas oppose theirs, or that a university has to provide a lecture hall for a proffessor that denounces everything they preach. About the money thing, I don't know what the law says there, but I assume if he agreed to it it's all bad for him.
its not as black and white as that, a money transaction organisation cannot make decisions based completely on something that has nothing to do with their field......otherwise they could just randomly pick people, even very good people and get away with it....that would mean that any con artist that started a private company could take all of everybodies money just because they were a private me its not that easy, and certain laws are in place to make it possible to stop such not saying paypal are con artists, and infact i will continue to use them in the future, but on a smaller scale some level of logical interrelation would still be protected.......of course a university doesnt have to house a disgraced professor, and a newspaper doesnt have to higher a questionable columnist......but a money transaction company with anonimity between customers has no right to keep someones money because they wrote satirical blogs about sex.....the two things have no relation, and it has no effect on the companies it will be protected, because there is no way to prove its negative effect on the company

Equality 7-2521


any comment on any other parts of the site? i.e. links from the main page....


Beat's Disciple
ill o.g.
yeh that Perkel dude needs a girlfriend.