Real Talk... Whats on your mind?

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Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
This has been on my mind lately, feel free to comment on this or reply with whatever is on YOUR mind...

How many times have we told ourselves "I wish I knew what I know today, 10 years ago?" I guess that depends on your age but if you haven't said that to yourself, one day you will.

There are so many things in our lives that are wrong and we as everyday people are becoming more and more numb to them. We can see things that we know aren't right and still mentally accept them as Okay!?!?!? We can do things that we know isn't right and regard it as humor or a joke?!?!?!

We only live once, even those of you who believe in reincarnation, you will only be the person you are now, one time. We all have to go, and when it's time, why not leave mentally at peace as opposed to suffering and/or reflecting back on things that you regretted doing or accepting.

Nobody is perfect. The key is learning from your mistakes and being prepared the next time. I challenge you to look back at how things were 10 years ago, look at the way things are today, now, with what you know, use that information to imagine what things will be like 10 years in the future.

"If I only knew what I know today, 10 years ago..."

Seek Deeper Kings,



A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
For sure, its tough sometimes no doubt. But one can only look forward right, I mean you cant control the past you really can only plan for the future and change this moment. Of course if I could go back and invest in Microsoft in 1985 I sure would, then sell in 1999.

If I put $1000 in MS in 85 it would be worth 500million in 99 just before the crash.

ahh well you know.


Sound Tight Productions
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 201
Ten years ago really isnt far enough. Everything today as far as unemployment and the economy the signs were there in 2000. I graduated from college in summer of 01 and it was hard as hell finding a job, I had to work at best buy for 6 months. Numerous job fairs telling me if it were two years ago they would be all over my resume. Then knowbody gave a s#!t, and now the bleeding has worked its way up to people who had 15-20 years work experience who have now lost their jobs and homes, now all of a sudden we have a problem and people want to protest. Like the Dr's say about cancer early detection is key to increasing your survival. Thats what has been on my mind.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
The decisions you made back then made the person you are today...

Changing what you did in the past will ultimately change you as a person...I am very happy with the person I've become... Why change that?

Getting that $500 million from MS? DOPE! You'd be rich...maybe you'd blow all of your money on dumb shit (because you don't know what your mindset would be if you had the money).. Maybe someone would kill you trying to take your money from you while you were at home....Maybe you would've quit music and just chill the rest of your life..

Basically my opinion is, if you think like that, you're not truly satisfied with yourself as well as your current situation....You can improve your situation, just gotta apply yourselves...


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
The fuck was wrong with Gen. McCrystal????

You were given everything you asked for I believe...
They said Obama was pacing back and forth between the residence and the Oval office he was so pissed about this Rolling Stone article the general did.