Past, Present and the Future


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
As you guys know, I try to provide some really good flip material in the Sample Flippage Forum. Some of which I want to keep for myself (lol), but I don't. It's very hard to find music that we all like (as a group) and want to flip when everybody has different taste.

Anyway, as I listen to different selections in my collection, I can't help but notice how music has changed and continuing to change. This is a good thing from my perspective, I want music to evolve, but the variety of that music is pretty much gone compared to 15-20 years ago.

The Past
So while digging, I ran across a picture of The Brothers Johnson "live" in concert.[URL="

Just looking at this picture, you can see how much passion they had with their music, you can sense how much fun they were having, it's like this picture caught them within a moment where nothing else in the whole world mattered.

The Present
Now lets leap forward to the present, here's a picture of Chris Brown "live" in concert.[URL="

This picture tells an entirely different story. Not to say that CB wasn't having just as much fun, or isn't just as passionate about his music. I just feel that his posture, the tats, no shirt, the look on his face, all represent our present era and where we are musically. Compared to the past, very few R&B artist play an instrument and perform.

The Future
Ofcourse, I don't have a picture for the future but it is being shaped by the new trends of today. The next level ish that we're doing right now is the beginning of what the future holds. Even though no one knows the future, we do have hints that give us an idea. For example...Lady Gaga's audience is literally expanding by the minute. Look at what she represents and then add the happenings in our world...people thinking they are so smart - they have to "dumb it down", NY passing gay marriage, unnecessary Wars, removing God from schools, Texas removing hip hop from history, SC wants a known racist on their state license just goes on and on.

My point with this thread is to inject a little awareness. Don't live your life with your "eyes wide shut". Study the past, study the present, and it will give you insight on the future. Not all things go as expected but most things complete it's coarse. Make your own conclusions for the end.



Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Gay marriage...I'm actually for it....

These people pay their taxes.....they are obviously in love...... People are using the bible as a reason they shouldn't get married.

Separation of church and state....Hello? When you get married, you sign a legal document, not a holy document. Nothing in that marriage license has anything religious included in it. Same people who are against gays are the ones with hatred in their hearts, something the bible does not condone. These so-called "Christians" are ones who fail to adhere to "love one another", but prefer the Code of Hammurabi.

Music?? The passion is in the money....... However, these artists don't have the creative control they want.... If you give artists their creative control back...the dumbing down of the music would go away.......I could almost guarantee that.

Removing God from schools...hmm...Not every child follows religion. To force God into children of Atheists and Agnostics is wrong, IMO ...... If you want God in a child's schooling...there's a ton of private schools that do that. Thought we had freedom of religion......

I went to a Catholic school for a bit....was an altar boy in the church and was very involved in the church..... The church does wonderful things, but as I've gotten older, I've been driven to question everything. I couldn't believe in a book that was written over and over again...not to mention in a different language...... A book tells you how to live your life... A book shouldn't tell me what I can and cannot do.... I don't know who wrote the book...and I honestly don't care who did. I do know is that religion is a driving force in many wars and many other atrocities in this world.
How you interpret the book is different for almost everyone..... Just look @ the Koran for example.... The Koran (from what I understand) is a peaceful book, but yet words are viewed in one way to rationalize killing yourself to eliminate "evil" people.....Who's to say what they're doing is really wrong? Who knows, they may be doing the right thing! David Koresh... Dude said he was the messiah.......we looked @ the dude like some kind of disillusioned lunatic......Who's to say Jesus wasn't the same type of dude (I'm not implying anything, people), and people wrote that he did great things?

I don't like using the race card at all (and I have, recently and actually I've retracted those remarks)....I hate to make excuses for my "failures"
Texas removing hip-hop from it's books is probably the most racist thing a state could do.....Texas has become the next Arizona....ain't that a bitch...?
Look @ what they're doing to the music we love....the music that has brought us to this forum....the music that has molded our lives, the music that has given us some of the fondest memories of our lives.....

The hatred towards hip-hop is ridiculous......and we're just making it easier....we make all these divides within hiphop...we hate soulja boy...but love wu-tang....we hate waka flocka, but love Nas....

All of those listed represent hip-hop (whether you like it or not), which is a culture that is evolving.....People in the hip-hop culture need to be more united in becoming the MOST powerful culture not related to race or creed...IN THE WORLD....We can be instrumental in how our governments are run if we speak in one voice....

We need more hip-hop artists like Jay-Z who have used business sense to not just rap...but become more than just a rapper...become an entrepreneur. The guy is worth so much damn money......It's not like the dude has a PH. D in marketing.....the dude is just smart....

SC wants a racist on their license plates? Let the people vote on that....that's what democracy is about, isn't it? I'm not for glorifying someone who represents a hate group....but let the people decide.......if we put more decisions in the hands of the people.....then the people would have to deal with what they get. No one is making the people of SC stay there...if you don't like the state, then leave....

Ok..I'm done......


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
This is my word...I'm not gonna get into a big debate over this and I probably won't respond back, you obviously have your mind made up and I will respect that, I'm not gonna try to change the way you feel... But here are the facts...

These people pay their taxes.....they are obviously in love...... People are using the bible as a reason they shouldn't get married.

The Bible IS the reason they shouldn't get forbids it! Ofc, people use it. Thats like saying - society uses the law as a reason they shouldn't murder!?!?!

Separation of church and state....Hello? When you get married, you sign a legal document, not a holy document. Nothing in that marriage license has anything religious included in it. Same people who are against gays are the ones with hatred in their hearts, something the bible does not condone. These so-called "Christians" are ones who fail to adhere to "love one another", but prefer the Code of Hammurabi.

Hello? Marriage is a holy act, you are swearing that you will follow the rules of marriage to God before man. Being against gays doesn't mean that you have hatred in your heart, granted their are some that do have hatred but they are the minority otherwise, not very many gays would come out of the closet because of fear. Gays are more excepted now than ever! Society, (in general) even gives gays a pass to do stupid ish because they are gay.

Removing God from schools...hmm...Not every child follows religion. To force God into children of Atheists and Agnostics is wrong, IMO ...... If you want God in a child's schooling...there's a ton of private schools that do that. Thought we had freedom of religion......

A child doesn't have the option to follow's the childs parents that choose their path. Schools NEVER forced God into a child, they didn't stop and say "OK lets start over because John Doe isn't following along with us" nor did they give JD detention. What they did was - stopped Jane Doe from her "freedom of religion" that you refer to. Not every family can afford private school tuition nor should that be a requirement for religion. At the very least, religion should be offered just like Home Economics... it's not a requirement, it's a choice/option.

All of the rest was more of a personal, opinionated viewpoint so I won't touch that. In any case, everyone SHOULD have a choice and be entitled to their choice. The problem is that Christians DON'T have a choice. The system has taken religion away instead of making it a choice. Thats not Equality! Thats segregation.


ill o.g.
the bible also says this:

*** However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you.* You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land.* You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance.* You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. *(Leviticus 25:44-46 NLT)

and this:

*** When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are.* If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again.* But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her.* And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter.* If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife.* If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment.* (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)
and this:

*** When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished.* If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property.* (Exodus 21:20-21 NAB)

oh and this:

** *Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear.* Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ.* (Ephesians 6:5 NLT)

and who could forget this gem!

* **Christians who are slaves should give their masters full respect so that the name of God and his teaching will not be shamed.* If your master is a Christian, that is no excuse for being disrespectful. *You should work all the harder because you are helping another believer by your efforts.* Teach these truths, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them. *(1 Timothy 6:1-2 NLT)

annnnnnnnnnnnnnd thats why its not really rational to let a 1000 year old book guide today's political policy...

im glad their taking the christian god out of school, it really messes up kids... to me the faith is completely illogical...I dont think christians or a belief in christ Is a bad thing, it certainly helps ALOT of people cope with the nature of this world but I dont want my child confused by all the contridictions posed by the religion...I really believe it takes away even the most intelligent person's ability to reason at a particularly high level.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Lou...with all respect, I'm glad that you brought this up. You've made a common mistake that a lot of people that dont understand the Bible make... The Bible is NOT a book that you can just take quotes from... here's why, you have to understand the times along with what you read. With the exceptions of Timothy and Ephesians those other quotes came from books of the old testament (Mosaic Law). The Old Testament is basically used as a reference to the laws and how things were before Christ. The "rules" were much tougher, I can quote a ton of things that would seem "ungodly" by todays standards but they didn't have todays resources. In those days, priest were top political figures who made big decisions for society solely because they were looked upon as holy and spiritually lead.

Now insert Jesus who came and changed the laws (The New Testament), that was one of his purposes, it wasn't the non-believers that crucified him, it was his own priest out of a lack of understanding! Even the rat who turned him in was one of his own disciples. Society believed in God they just couldn't debate it with those carrying political titles that didn't believe Jesus was the son of God or sent from heaven to teach the ways of God in fear that they or their family members would be killed.

As for Tim. and Eph. you have to take in account that times have changed and they didn't use words like employer or employee. They said "slaves" and "masters". Everybody lived off of the land and their status was based on how much they owned. Those that didn't inherit anything had to work and were considered slaves. Those that inherited a lot had to hire people to help them remain wealthy and were called masters. There were no big Corporations, no labor laws, none of the modern things that we take for granted or just assume was always in place even human ethics were different back then.

That in mind, go back and insert "employers" for "masters" and "employees" for "slaves" and see if it makes more sense by todays

Lets not turn this into a Bible debate here, it's against the rules of the forum. If it's really important to you send me an email but be sincere and have an open mind about it. If it's not that important to you then we shouldn't be discussing it...

*please note*
dacalion said:
My point with this thread is to inject a little awareness. Don't live your life with your "eyes wide shut". Study the past, study the present, and it will give you insight on the future. Not all things go as expected but most things complete it's course. Make your own conclusions for the end.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Agreed...let's not get into this Bible debate.....because you can't prove a person's faith right or wrong.

Good to see that we are having very good discussions, here..... That's why I stay a member here.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
I, and all my constituents , Hate Sucio.. Just cuz hes a coffee drinker...
And a sperm slurper.
Such is our way , such is our creed.

Back to the OP, I agree with all that, funky how no one can play an instrument now adays because technology has made it so much more computerizzzed...

We could still learn ,and lord knows it costs just as much.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
"now I'm trying to get gooder at it" <---roflmao..

I'm really diggin this track...


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Oh I thought you was digging Oddfutures flow, I do... but yeah, this cat smashed him pretty hard. Odd has got to retaliate.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
The thing that is really really really funny to me at least with this new generation of Hip Hop artist is they really want to be sooooo down with the secret societies and the Illumanati, not even knowing who or what it is. Tho I get the creative gist behind the shock value its hilarious. Dudes using symbols and signs not even knowing wtf half of it means but whatever. Tho I dont kno what the future holds when it comes to this beautiful thing called music I do think what ever is taking place during that time will transpire into the music.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Cosign 100%, I know some people think I'm just bitch'n about how music is evolving but thats only because I'm not just looking at where it is. I'm also looking at where it came from and how it got to where it is now, which (imo) leaves little hope for the future. All of us old school cats know how fug'd up todays music is comparatively, but the next generation will be calling Chris Brown, Drake, Niki Minaj and so on... "old school" (and rightfully so) but, will they know who the "real" pioneers are and thats what I question.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 2
Sometimes I wish I lived overseas because of the appreciation of music there is way different than here in the states but also look at whats going on those other countries thats just my opinion tho.