Paedophilia at Highest Levels of US Govt. Banned Documentary

This documentary was meant to have been aired on UK TV years ago, but never saw the light of day, I watched this a few years back, dont know if I ever posted it here. But this is another of those must see films, simply to understand how power corrupts to such depths of depravity, and at the highest levels of the power structure.
This story was blacked out in the US media. It involved both democrats and republicans, because when they are not in the spotlight, they are actually friends that work together for the common goal of selling us out to the NWO. Getting them involved in this sort of activity is a way of securing their loyalty through fear the truth of them having sex with and torturing youngsters ever gets out.
[ame=""]Rare, Banned Documentary Conspiracy Of Silence Pedophile Media, Masons, World Leaders Etc - YouTube[/ame]


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Oh shit, this looks crazy, I'm gonna check this out. It's amazing what goes on that of course the general public will never know.
Oh shit, this looks crazy, I'm gonna check this out. It's amazing what goes on that of course the general public will never know.

Tell me about it, I was shocked, to say the least.

Heres the case of Marc Dutroux, has a few similarities, with links to the highest level of the Belgian govt.

Im going to look for another video I watched of Fred & Rose West, here in the UK with yet again more similarities.... I started to connect the dots, see the similarities and was sickened to the fact that there is a common theme here.
Ive been looking for the documentary I watched on channel 4 years ago but you know what, I cant find it anywhere, not even on 4od. I did find a news article from July tho....

This mentions a sex trafficking ring. I watched a doc called "Fred and Rose West - The House Of Horrors" on youtube which makes 1 tiny comment where they threaten to give the girl to "their black friends" and this article also
Which mentions the same "Black Friends" and possible black magic ritual connections.
Wow! This is nuts.

Just goes to show what can happen when you control the media.
I got called nuts a few years back for relaying this information.

This just scrapes the surface. You should do a quick google of satanic ritual abuse. It just gets worse, because its very widepread just like missing children, but you never hear about it.

Another thing to look into is the Jeff Gannon thing, there is a photo of GW Bush kissing him on the forehead and a scandle about a question he asked bush a few years ago, but its theorised that Jeff Gannon is Johnny Gosch a boy that went missing when he was young and was never found. His mother thinks its him, but he said he would take a dna test but never has. The kiss photo suggests that GW Bush has some sort of relationship with Jeff Gannon, which would imply that GW Bush had sexual relations with a kidnapped boy, it has fucking amazing implications.

Some more from Senator John Decamp from the first video.

And Paul Bonacci Himself interviewed by Ted Gunderson.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
I'm at work lol.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
Shit looks interesting. Can't watch at work, no sound.


Paradigm P
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 74
illlllllllllllll man too far.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
You don't need to sound to beat off to these vids....


No but for real, this is all British propaganda designed to bring down the the US govt and restore the colonies.
Oh yeah there is a conspiracy alright isnt there 2good ?
........Or should I call you ......Admiral Pettycoat!?

No but for real, this is all British propaganda designed to bring down the the US govt and restore the colonies.
Oh yeah there is a conspiracy alright isnt there 2good ?
........Or should I call you ......Admiral Pettycoat!?

Yeah it was shapeshifting reptilian MI6 agents masquerading as your government, fucking children to instigate the downfall of your government. Thats right, it all makes sense now. US politicians cant be that fucked up, it must be the British.
Yeah we NEVER do sick abusive shit.

Wow 2good, this is some fucked up shit, I know you were talking about torture and murder parties as well, there are some sick fux out here, and apparently their money and influence protects them well.
They ought to reopen this shit.

This case will never be reopened, I can tell you that much.
Paul Bonacci was rewarded $1m in damages from Larry King.
And the sicks fucks are not just in the USA, this is worldwide.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Its fucked up for real when the fourth branch of government (press) cant defend us.

Heel they are about to open all the settled Herman Cain sexual harrassment cases just to make sure he isnt elected (as if his complete ignorance of foreign politics , even major stories for the past 30 years wouldnt be enough).