'Ol Forgotten Dayz: Allen Highwaters Presents "IllMuzik Diss"

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
It's time for a quick history lesson fellas!

We had this one 'Gone But Not Forgotten' member - 'allenhighwaters' (representing Anchorage, AK). Some of ya veterans might recall this name. I BANNED this guy due to a DISS song he released on the web. THE ILLMUZIK DISS SONG.
That's right homies! I'd like y'all to take an in-depth listen, 'cuz this shit is fuckin' lame. So lame it's not even funny LOL. Allen is a die-hard dickhead who also suffers from mental issues. This guy is the true winner of the 'Gone But Not Forgotten' category. ARE YOU READY FOR SOME HARDCORE GANGBANGIN' ACTION? ;)

The Song: http://download.yousendit.com/714407E47C297AEF

His Soundclick Page (you can download the song from this page too): http://www.soundclick.com/allenhighwaters

The Original Thread We Had On IllMuzik: https://www.illmuzik.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10546

My summarizing post: https://www.illmuzik.com/forums/showpost.php?p=104323&postcount=60

Have Fun,


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
LOL! I forgot about that guy. I remember it was really weird, he came out of nowhere for no reason at all and started dissing everyone on here it was ridiculous. He was indeed 14 years old or so, I'd like to see him pull that in a room full of us lol.

It's actually cool that it happened, I'm honored that this fool took the time to diss us! It means we finally made it! LOL.


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
hahahah yeah he was funny a shame he got banned lol
i loved his skillz although they were absent haha.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
LOL this is funny as shit, what a dork. I see he has partII now.
nice..sound is such crap..You should send the mosad over there wings...
he doesnt even rap.. What a dipshit!!!
LMAO thanks for the history lesson wings!

Classic line from deucemade:"Maybe try to not sound so sorry when your dissin people with "real talent" unlike your undeveloped-little-hittin-on-other-guys-askin fellas to suck your balls-no talent sorry fucking ass!?.....Ponder that for a while u little shit."


oh..touche from allen:"Dushemade:U fag, go to the Denny's and see youre wife working cause u cant get a job making beats bitch!Stop with the "I do Hip-Hop because I luv it, not cause i wanna bee big" shit, because u started doing beats on fl studio after u got cut youre senior year of highschool on the JV and then u dropped out cause youre mom was tired of youre walmart-sweat-pants-wearin-ass eating all the fukin lunchables in youre fuking box trailor...then u got a 5$ ho as a wife and moved into the fuking Motel 6, set up youre fukin Casio Keyboard and started makin wack ass Def Jux Remixes that sound like Sugerhill gang with a stick in there ass!"

And the awsome closer by Wings:"GOODBYE MR. allenhighwaters. May you get raped in every possible part of your body and put into a thong during that "

LMAO...omg that is some funny shit, we need a sticky with the most asanine arguments in it..Real;y thanks agian wings..I like how you blast him out with all the contact info.Im just sad that none of the images are still at those links..
The one I saw would make me consider taking time from work and money from the bank to show up where ever that little mf is... and break his shit for real an permanantly..oops there goes the most friendly award, now yall know Im actually a killah..lol


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Hahaha I just noticed on his Soundclick page that he took one of Bigd's pics from his interview! LOL. It even says BIGD and you see part of his head!


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9

Well most of the monologue was suspiciously homo. dude sounds like 9 or 10 lmao

part 2 .............. lmao. hes tryna get some bass but hes just makin his voice raspy and fake lmfao. Quality is nastyyyyyyyyyyyyy lmfao.


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
Classic shit... that was MAAAAD funny. And it happened in 1 night...

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
miss cc posted his video a while back. a lot of us got a kick out of that. she didnt know he he was.

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Damn! Thanks for the link B!
Hell, this must be the worst piece of crap i've ever seen. TIMELESS, HILARIOUS & OUTLANDISH!

Light & Smoke,

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
what the fuck? here as i during all this?
i remember the kid, vaguely, but not this thread or the song

crazy shit

Agent Smith

IllMuzik Junkie
ill o.g.
yea i vaguely remember this guy too...i like how you can hear the computer mic being hit by his face when he gets too into the diss track.
my personal favorite though:
"First of all, 50 cal. youre moms calling, its time to eat ure happy meal at your your fukin grandmas house!

second, eXampul_one, wut more can i say...get an asrx pro and fuk youre sister!"

OOHHHHHH not his grandmas house?!?!? this fool is RUTHLESS...