
  • warzone round 3 voting begins in...


ill o.g.
it is like the ring tape once you see you wanna die my brother just came back from Houstopn and was like I seen the craziest thing every a man died from having sex with a horse. Yeah right until he showed me and now I can't sleep because I don't understand this. like selling sex for money you need money or your a freak but this is a different level of freak. I researched it and the thing is true even after I seen it for my own eyes. One the funeral had to be crazy what do you say and on top of that it is not against the law. I need something to earse my memory


Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
um nah...

dude died from a ruptured spleine or somethin like that, cuz i believe, the horse was fucking him.

unless this is another case.... cant be that common tho


ill o.g.
that's f*kin sick! he deserved to die after doing some gross shit like that.


ill o.g.
yeah and I can't get taht video out my mind faces of death is nothing to this. The reporter had a hard time doing the story. From what I uinderstand he was an aerospace engineer for boeing. I glad my Dad works for Lockeed

50 cal

King of the West
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
i saw an ass and just turned it telling what would have happened next

Why would u post the link cant shake it....but you want us to possibly face this nasty shit lol.