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The Konductor

ill o.g.
What up Fam? I need some advice. Bare w/ me for a minute.

Just like every where else in the U.S. and world, there's hip-hop brewing in Colorado where I reside. There's only one emcee making noise out of the CO and that's Black Pegasus. His talent is a gimme, but his work ethic is I'ma get mine at what ever cost. Which is why he will succeed more so than someone more talented who sits on his ass and misses opprotunities.

Thats my main point to this rant, missed oppprotunities.

I'm a producer at heart and we all know that a "producer" wear's many hats. Its not just about making beats.

Anyway this producer/emcee kid hits me up b/c he know's me from around the way and know's I'm trying get something started for real. He and this other emcee teamed up and are now doing little shows w/ a whack ass promoter. Anyway these kids do the shows w/ no rehearsal, and they end up freestyling alot of their shit b/c they don't sit down and write actual songs. They're real talented so the novice ear can't really tell when one fucks up and the other has to pick up. But I know. Also his beats are straight from mpc to cd. So the quality lacks.

Well this kid sought me out and I don't fuck around. I set up studio time and paid for it and we did one session. The beat tracked sounded so much better. I'm trying to mentor him, and get his ass in the studio but his work ethic is sorry as can be. His pussy whipped partner is even worse. I don't understand why these bedroom producers pass on an opprotunity to record for real. And they don't even have to pay upfront. Of course I'm gonna recoup when the album hits.

My question is, should I put any pressure on these artists to get some work done, or move on? I don't have a problem leaving them in the dust no matter how talented they are, b/c I hate having my time and money wasted. I ask this b/c when I put the pressure on I'm not one to sugar coat things. I can be mad aggressive and some people get too intimidated and think I'm too harsh. I don't know another way to get my point across and make these kids realize that hard work and sacrafice is what gets things done. I mean these cats can't even return a phone call. and they approached me. Thats what ticks me off the most. Can I get some advice?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
I met Black Pegasus here in Milwaukee at a local show. That cat is cool as fuck, real down to earth/humble dude. His Album (Fuck yo Radio) is pretty dope too..

To answer your question though.. MOVE ON!! Don't waste your time with cat's that can't grind hard. If they can't do it now, when will they? If they were to get signed tomarrow, would they be ready? That's what you have to ask yourself. They have to take this shit serious in order to make some noise in the industry. That half ass record when I want to (which is like what, 1,2 times a week?) attitude proves they don't have what it takes.

You could probably find much better talent in the CO. I know ManDaMyth is from out there in Denver. He posts on here and I have sent him and his boy S.P. (lost Gems Crew) a track and they blessed it. Keep lookin my man. You will find something, it just takes a while, trust me... :thumb:

The Konductor

ill o.g.
Word up thats what I needed to hear. Yeah Black P is on the grind hard. He hasn't worked a 9 to 5 in over two years and survives soley on his grindin.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
I have worked with folks like this , truth is the ones with the bad work ethic are winnin right now because I cant wear all the hats and make tracks so I been hurtin for a sec.
I say move on, I got some cats now that keep approachini me but they cant even get a ride to my spot so Im just gonna keep movin.I feel you tho %100 its hurt me this year and detracted from my own work