Music as a Tool For Social Manipulation

An online book outlining how music can be used as a tool to manipulate society. I will use this thread to post evidence for the use of music to guide society to act a certain way.
I hope to ultimately find the document that laid out the plan to use popular music and culture to capture the minds then guide society in political directions. Until I find that document I will post other evidence to the fact we are being manipulated by an artform that can get into our minds and by its very rhythmic nature can hypnotise us and implant ideas and themes while we are under its influence.


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
I would but forth the idea that music is inherently manipulative. EVERY good peace of music should toy with your emotions and move you, but I would also say this is a good thing. As far as controlling culture, honestly I think the masses are kinda already so stupid that nothing more need be done.
I would but forth the idea that music is inherently manipulative. EVERY good peace of music should toy with your emotions and move you, but I would also say this is a good thing. As far as controlling culture, honestly I think the masses are kinda already so stupid that nothing more need be done.

Id reply to that by saying yes I agree the masses are easily guided, but every year another swathe of kids reaches the ages that they discover music and are then hooked into the whole thing.
I have more faith in society as a whole, I know the masses are ignorant, but it only takes a few good men to take the lead and open the eyes of the ignorant so they can then take steps to study for themselves and open their own eyes on the path to wisdom and greater knowledge. Because knowledge is power, to know the weapons of the enemy allows you to counter those weapons or make those weapons ineffective.

The main weapons of the enemy are secrecy, financial control and mental control.

Secrecy is maintained by the secret societies and groups like the bilderberg group, the committee of 300, the CFR, the trilateral commission etc etc.
Financial Control is maintained by the corporate owned Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, The IMF, the world bank etc etc.
Mental control is maintained through religion, the damn TV set, popular culture, movies and games and other "entertainment".

Spread the word of the elites and this destroys their secrecy, know who they are. Learn the history of the Rothchilds, the Warbergs, the Rockefellers, the British Royal Family, the Dutch royal family. Learn about the Opium wars with China, which made some of the US aristocracy their fortunes, including the Forbes, and the Russells. Drug money which funded the creation of Yale university. And the Skull and Bones society, coincidentally(sarcasm) the ships that carried the opium into china flew the skull and crossbones. So that begs the question who were the real pirates.
Learn about how the Federal Reserve came to be, how it is nothing federal at all and who owns it. Learn how Nathan Rothschild managed to gain control of the Bank Of England. Learn how fractional reserve banking works, how banks lend your money to others with an interest rate so they get rich from your money. Able to lend 10 times what they actually have as customer savings, learn about the digital creation of money out of thin air, where money can be created and loaned to you just by typing some numbers into a computer.
Learn about the founding of Israel and the Balfour Declaration. Learn how fiat(paper) money is actually your debt paid for by taxation. Find out how you are a financial slave to the banking cartels that own the private banks.
Take away their secrecy and shine a light onto their deeds and manipulations of mankind not to mention their crimes against humanity and you take away one of their weapons, the secrecy.

Take your money out of the banking system, keep it in a personal safe or some other safe place, dont use debit or credit cards or other forms of credit, dont be a part of their financial control systems, dont shop at supermarkets, buy locally from small businesses and help your community in that way. The corporate world of Tescos, walmart etc dont give a fuck about you, if they did their food wouldnt be so full of harmful substances like MSG, Aspartame, chemical E number substances, lots of salt, lacking in real nutrition, genetically modified produce and mass farmed livestock treated in cruel and sickening ways to feed our desire for cheaper food.
Dont play their game.

As for the mental slavery, turn off the tv set, stop following pointless sports that are funded massively to keep us entertained and our eyes off the ball. Look online while internet censorship is still not a reality, but will soon be. And above all question everything with an open mind, but question everything, dont take anything for fact until pieces of the puzzle start to fit together and they will. Read, watch documentaries, slowly but surely what seemed like coincidences start to not be so, the web of deceit that covers the globe will soon start to become apparent and the world we took for granted starts to take a different form. A world of lies and deception that is so extensive that it will blow your mind.
Dont take my word for it, empower yourself, study for yourself, take your own red pill, Im just some cunt on the internet that could be talking bollocks, EMPOWER YOURSELVES.


ill o.g.
Hes darwins grandpa I think...Its a perspective from a civilization discovering us 100 000 000 years from now...Its pretty boring but there's some gems...Especially the part about sporting arenas and how they are intended to be a place where males can release their primal instincts in the relm of watching simulated warefare and be distracted as opposed to being informed and actually goIng to war with the social controllers.
Hes darwins grandpa I think...Its a perspective from a civilization discovering us 100 000 000 years from now...Its pretty boring but there's some gems...Especially the part about sporting arenas and how they are intended to be a place where males can release their primal instincts in the relm of watching simulated warefare and be distracted as opposed to being informed and actually goIng to war with the social controllers.

He is Darwins grandson. I will read some of it and see if it gets me hooked in. Does sound interesting.
2good, it seems like your view is very much that of Alex Huxley? Would you agree?

as illustrated here.

You mean Aldous Huxley? No I dont share his ideas or beliefs, as I beleive Aldous Huxley was an Elitist insider, as was George Orwell. I think what we have today is a combination of "1984" and "Brave New World".
I dont follow anyones beliefs but my own, there may be aspects shared with others, as my own beleifs are an amalgamation of my studies into what makes the world tick. "What Does It All Mean?" is what guides my studies. When I first stumbled across David Ickes book "The Truth Will Set You Free" my eyes were first opened to a world so fucked up, so manipulated and controlled by such evil I couldnt beleive it, to top that off was the whole reptilian thing, which to this day I just cant accept as true, I have seen no evidence to support it, but on the other subjects like the freemasons, the illuminati, satanic ritual abuse, paedophile rings reaching to the highest level of governments, plans for a new world order, the genocide of 2 thirds of the population on earth, the man made origins of the aids virus, and many other themes I have found vast quantities of evidence. I beleive mankind should be free from the many forms of slavery that we find ourselves in. I believe the poverty of the world can be wiped out simply by taking back from a few people, the vast wealth of the earth, which can be redistributed to end all starvation and suffering on earth. Greed is stifling human spiritual growth, and stifling our technological growth. I really do have the whole human race in mind, that is much more important than just me, my time in this world is just a fleeting phase of the history of mankind which will soon be over, but the future of mankind really does hang in the balance. I do this for my children, your children and everybody elses children, they are the ones that will inherit this cesspit of corruption and deception, they are the future of mankind and I think they should be given a chance to take humanity in the right direction, without the ignorance of our and our past generations taking that opportunity away from them while I still have the ability to make a difference, while I still have a voice and an ability to shed light on the darkness that dominates the modern world.
I believe in reincarnation, I would like to know that my next life isnt going to be a life of total subservience to a cabal of ultra rich elitists. I have many reasons to fight the tyranny, mainly because its simply evil, and Im good hearted, I have empathy, I have suffered in my life so I feel the pain of others and I would like the pain to end for all of mankind. Also I would like to die knowing I never fucked anyone over and I did the right thing. To know the truth and to do nothing is just as bad as doing the evil deeds yourself.