Mp3 players fuck your ears up?

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Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
I got one for my B-Day and I use this jimmy jam ALL day at work , NOT to listen to music but to let my mind float listening to old ass radio shows..
Well those arent always been saved so well so I came up with a custom eq that basically boosts the mid and higher end of the thing...
Its great I dont have to deal with many fuckers during the day because I have headphones on and I let my mind ride trippin on the earlier culture of the Untied States...
When was the last time you heard "Nine out of Ten Doctors reccommend Pall Mall for taste and soothing" ? lol

Anyway it feels like 2 things are happening, I listen to this ish SOFT as hell because I KNOW that crap right in your ear can damage it.
1) I feel like the dang plugs are still in there LONG after I take them out and
2) I think those freqs are fatiguing my ears TO those freq'a.
When Im at home and its wuiet I am missing those souns in that range I know should be there.

Im worried its gonna fuck up my mixing abilities..

Thus I wonder do any of you here intentionally shun these things because you know better or is there a general feeling about this or what ?


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I have a Sony Mp3 player that I use a lot also. I use noise canceling KOSS earbuds which are very comfortable and provide great sound. They fit (seal) inside my ear very well and they don't hurt them at all. I highly recommend them. Wally World sells them.

I recently purchased that bluetooth earpiece that Sony made for the PS3 and I returned it a couple of days later. That was the most uncomfortable earpiece I have ever used. That ish had my ear hurting 2 days after.


ill o.g.
I have never liked ear plugs. Circumaural cans all the way for me.

Tho, I cant remember the name of them but, the hooked earphones from Sony, I liked those. They come in blue and black.

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
i use skull candy earphones so nothing goes in my ear. they work great as monitors also


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Yea never use earbuds. I keep $20 Sony headphones on at all times. 9hrs a day. The ones that cover your ears completely like ear muffs are dope also. Havent tried anything else mentioned on here


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Whats wrong with earbuds?

My fault. I meant I never use earbuds. They feel like raw frequencies, directly in you ear drum with all the harsh freq's turned up. Atleast the ones I've tried.

haha I work in an office environment, dont know if I can walk around with the cans on the ears but that would be more comfortable.

I just feel like after 8 hours my hearing feels funny, even though I havent had it up loud.

Yea your ears adjust to the sound you focus on. Headphones are really unnatural in the sense that, they're two seperate sources with no space between the two.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
DOX said:
Yea never use earbuds.

dac said:
Whats wrong with earbuds?

DOX said:
My fault. I meant I never use earbuds.

Ummm, DOX have you been drinking bad water again? I told you that the Chesapeake was polluted. Man you're gonna need detoxing!

oh wait I get it I had to re-read it a few times.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! That image made me almost lose my tea ahahahaha


IllMuzik Mortician
ill o.g.
I'm all about Koss portapros/sportapro. Lifetime warranty, and they sound great. Buds in general are bad for you ears after excessive use (1 hour+), if you keep the level at a low, you shouldn't have too much to worry about. If people can hear what you're listening to, that's generally a sign it's too loud.


The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Anything that goes in the ear, sucks. Get some headphones that go over the entire ear. I've been rocking the Sony MDR-7506's since 1998!


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Recently Sony has been disappointing me on a regular basis. I have a $180 pair (I forget the model#) that I use at church that don't fit well nor sound nearly as good as my daughters $20 JVC's from Wal-Mart. I like Sony stuff in general but lately they SUCK!


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
I'm all about Koss portapros/sportapro. Lifetime warranty, and they sound great. Buds in general are bad for you ears after excessive use (1 hour+), if you keep the level at a low, you shouldn't have too much to worry about. If people can hear what you're listening to, that's generally a sign it's too loud.

Yeah I keep it really low and dont even listen to that much music on them through the day but after you know 8 hours my ears STILL ache and feel like they are then missing some frequencies.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304

But my girl got these Coby ones (cheap as hell) but they have this rubber at the end that's super soft...and it just fits in my ear..I can have them in all day w/o pain. I never turn up the music in's directly into your ear and of course bad for you....I put them up just enough to hear them and block out the rest of the world...

I wish I could wear my MDR-Z900's at work...but they're just way too big...