More UFO's

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The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
LOL it's always the same story. "Weather balloon" or "weather phenomenon". I remember a few years ago when they had the Phoenix Lights and they were saying it was flares ahahaha.


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
YO that Pheonix lights thing was amazing!!
To me it didnt look like alot of little lights but one big ass object woth the lights being the edges...
That shit was crzy!

Yeah they need to come out with it, weather balloons aint workin.Id hate to wittness that shit , who would believe you?

Benny BuKu

ill o.g.
YO that Pheonix lights thing was amazing!!
To me it didnt look like alot of little lights but one big ass object woth the lights being the edges...

You got a link to that vid?That shit was crzy!

Yeah they need to come out with it, weather balloons aint workin.Id hate to wittness that shit , who would believe you?

me and my nigga was smokin an L in the whip one night comin back from a party....bout 2 am and we seen a fuckin fox....and nobody believed me. Shit wasn't no dog was a mafuckin FOX. so imagine I tell somebody I seen a UFO? All they gonna say is where can I get some of that shit....

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
me and my nigga was smokin an L in the whip one night comin back from a party....bout 2 am and we seen a fuckin fox....and nobody believed me. Shit wasn't no dog was a mafuckin FOX. so imagine I tell somebody I seen a UFO? All they gonna say is where can I get some of that shit....

word, i hear that. I seen a fox up by me, but thats normal. I cant wait for the spring time, I got marcus a high powered telescope a few years back and he never used it, its in the garage, Imma get twisted one night and look for ufos..

The Bastard

me and my nigga was smokin an L in the whip one night comin back from a party....bout 2 am and we seen a fuckin fox....and nobody believed me. Shit wasn't no dog was a mafuckin FOX. so imagine I tell somebody I seen a UFO? All they gonna say is where can I get some of that shit....

that aint shit, i seen fuckin turkeys crossing the road on my way to work one morning. whens the last time sum1 saw a fuckin turkey crossing the road! but when it comes to ufos i got a boy that swears he seen one , but his dad is kind of a nutcase and he swears he seen one too. so im guessin maybe my boys a chip off the old block.

Benny BuKu

ill o.g.
that aint shit, i seen fuckin turkeys crossing the road on my way to work one morning. whens the last time sum1 saw a fuckin turkey crossing the road! but when it comes to ufos i got a boy that swears he seen one , but his dad is kind of a nutcase and he swears he seen one too. so im guessin maybe my boys a chip off the old block.

there was a BIG ASS turkey holdin up traffic just last winter yo...for like 3 mornings in a row....I was fuckin dying yo....I'm like why don't somebody kill this mafucka and eat him...don't white people like turkey?