Mitrxxx i'm...fam Ill up What



What up Ill fam...i'm Mitrxxx
It'z another late nighter in the lab and i'm on an web break...
I am a fellow producer/musician/songwritter that lives in the music
I've been involved in music all my life but actually start conducting experiments in 2000
I'm 22 and been doing this full-time for some years....But on the real, I think i've been in the lab so long that it has become somewhat unhealthy....But I love it...
I know there's a few of you in here who are the same way....
That's why i'm here, to be amoungst the like-minded
My tools consist of the MC-909, XP-80, FL Studio, Moondust, Saturns Rings, and a whole bunch of other crazy ish...
Till The next time....Audi 5