McMorons - what kind of morons work at this place?

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Guess Who's Back
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 9
Alotta fault rests on the girl... doing the things without question because "her mother taught her to do what she is told by an adult and not talk back"...

according to the article, the man also SODOMIZED her... they left that out of the video..

There was plenty occasion when she was at the door and he was at the opposite end of the room. but i suppose i can SOMWHAT understand her not wanting to be embarrased by running thru a mcdonalds naked.

..but then again, i wouldn't have wanted to give that old dude head, or have him stick shit up my ass.

but thats just me.

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
I saw this on TV.

Very disturbing on many levels. I think all the adults in that situation should have gotten the sh*t beat out of them.

Its hard not to feel sorry for ol'girl but at some point, your survival instincts need to kick in somewhere. You just don't go around sucking dicks because someone told you too.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 55
ah that text made it a little clearer what was going on ! i mean WTF how fuckin stupid can you be, just hang up the phone !
its hard to feel sorry for any of them when they are being that retarded !
ill o.g.
i dont understand how dude can pull that shit off, the phone caller i mean...
i for one have a hard time taking orders from anyone, let alone some motherfucker on the phone... at least the second dude he tried to convince in that video had soem sense and refused.

that donna bitch is evil and needs to be locked in a room with 20 dudes that just got out of jail. that 'wes' guy should get castrated, i can only think he used the phone call as an excuse to perform his sick twisted shit that he always secretely wanted to do.

i have to say though, if i had been her.....i would have ran the fuck outta there naked or not lol. id rather be embarrased by nudity than gettin spanked by some old bald fat motherfucker while i was


The Bastard

not to sound like a dick, but u never hear aboutthis shit happenin in like l.a. ,boston,new york, in other words, you fuckin hicks are dumb as shit