Just took a sleeping pill

Damn these fuckers taste like shit, I took one two nights ago after my insomnia moment the night before. The doc says Im depressed, that was like the preaching to the choir. He said he wouldnt call it official because then I have to declare it for job interviews and shit. So just gave me sleeping pills to help me sleep. But you get stuck with the after taste for most of the next day. I never had none of this shit with my natural "herbal remedy". Pharma is over rated.
Bad taste? WTF, are they chewables? Hope you get past the depression, that's no joke!

Nah not chewable, I washed it down with coca cola laste time, so i tried water this time, but it still tastes like shit. Im pretty strong willed and been through smone shit in my time. Im sure I can take it, its just down to financial problems. It always gets worse around rent due time. As I can never get the fucking money together on time.
Ive asked my boss to help out with a small raise, being as I do all the work in the yard and Im very good at my job, but like I said before, hes a fucking scrooge. Ex goal keeper for west ham united. All he cares about is his regular holidays and trying to live a celebrity lifestyle, and fuck those that help make it happen. Hes such a tight cunt that health and safety takes second place to profits too.
I cured my insomnia.naturally its crazy cause I had it my whole life
I think mine is down to drinking too much coke, and getting all hyped playing call of duty before i go to bed. On the positive, I actually made some progress making a new beat today. I can only do about half hour at a time, but even thats an improvement on nothing at all.
Maybe I should get back on the weights, had no trouble sleeping after a good workout.

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.
Aint I supposed to be getting like sleepy now.
These things are duds. I could just have a wank, that might work.

wake your woman up. ask her to do it for you. it helps me sometimes. lol


Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Well, I tell you this man. Waking up at 3am or so is just natural, lots of people do .. My prob is when I do it Im up for an hour then have to get up by like 6:13 am. lol so you know it IS a bitch.

You are gonna get past this, your making a major lifestyle change and all your chemicals are rebeling.. You can do it though bro.
Well, I tell you this man. Waking up at 3am or so is just natural, lots of people do .. My prob is when I do it Im up for an hour then have to get up by like 6:13 am. lol so you know it IS a bitch.

You are gonna get past this, your making a major lifestyle change and all your chemicals are rebeling.. You can do it though bro.

Thanks man, you are right. I felt like a new person today, I was full of energy. The good weather really helps too.