Invisible Empire - A New World Order Defined

  • warzone (oct 8-12) signup begins in...
People need to see this film, especially you Chris. Especially you, lol.

This films breaks it all down, from assassinations, to CIA drug/gun running, to gay sex scandals, bohemian grove, cases that never got to court(not for lack of evidence) to who and what is the NWO.
Please Chris, just do me one favour, and watch this whole film with an open mind.
Its very very educational, and being a borderline libertarian, I think you should be able to see the wood for the trees.

DJ Redrum

Playin' For Keeps
ill o.g.
I've watched this today (again) with someone, and found it very slow and boring from the first viewing.

This DVD would have been better with more interviews, less NWO clippings and a complete worldwide view - rather than being solely US based; which is a small part to the history.

Information: 4/10 - Replay Value: 3/10 - Presentations: 6/10 = Revised: 5.5

There should have been subjects including; European Union (history), The Bilderberg Group (in-depth history), Federal Reserve (in-depth history), World Wars (Funding), Rothschilds 'Red Shield' aka Bauer (Owners; 'Private' Bank of England/Federal Reserve), Royal Family/Queen (Owners; 'Private' Bank of England, Grand Patroness of World Freemasonry), Bloodline/s (Family Relations - Royal Family & Presidents ect.), CIA/NASA - Nazi Founded. Project Paperclip was mentioned, though.

This release was to big for Jason. It seems most of the time (18 months) was used finding video clips, rather than laying out the script/research on the whole 'system' - for the $100.000+ cost(s).

Verdict: I wouldn't use this personally in trying to educate a newcomer, soley for the quality which is behind on many 'starter' releases - though it's one to pass on the time. I've never really been into the work of G. Edward Griffin, based on the fact much of his information was stolen from Eustace Mullins - including being a member of the John Birch Society (Rockefeller Funded) organization.

I agree with 2Good, that Chris should do some extensive research into these subject matters - if believing governments aren't involved with drug trafficking; which is very minor in itself to the whole corruption that's happening worldwide through 'special interests' groups. (CIA/MI5-6/Blackwater ect.) -

I would suggest the work of Ted Gunderson/Chip Tatum/Mike Ruppert/Gary Webb/Beau Abbott - for an introduction.