Interactive Filter with Fruity X-Y Controller

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
This FL Studio tutorial will allow you to actively control your effects with the Fruity X-Y Controller. The Fruity X-Y controller is an internal controller plugin which lets you to use your mouse to generate smooth controller inputs.

First create a simple beat to practice with. Open up the mixer by clicking View and selecting Mixer or bring it up quickly by pressing F9. In the Master mixer channel, select the Fruity X-Y controller for the first FX slot. In the second FX slot select Fruity Free Filter.

ext Right click the Freq dial on the Fruity X-Y controller. Select "Link to controller..." A remote control setting window will pop-up. Set the internal controller as X-Y Master and click Accept. The controller is now set-up. Click around inside the X-Y Controller field and you will notice the Freq dial on the Fruity Free Filter moving.

Play the loop and click around on the X-Y Controller. This will give you an on-the-fly controlled filter. This controller is great for testing out new effects quickly and interactive automation during live recording.

Fruity Loops allows you the ability to link just about every dial, knob, or setting to the Fruity X-Y Controller. Experiment with different effects, just right click on what you want to control and if the "Link to controller..." option is available set it to X-Y Controller and there you go--you can even link two different values to the controller. One to X (horizontal), and one to Y (vertical), this can produce some unique effects inside fruityloops.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
I was wondering what the X-Y thing did.

Thanks for the tutorial, I'm sure I can put this to good use. If you think about it you could do some pretty interesting stuff.
