Instrument length control


ill o.g.
Aight, this is a crucial part to beat making that i need help with. I have fruityloops and cool edit, and i just want to know how i can control the length of my instruments, in either one. I know they have the time stretch stuff in CEP, but it sounds bad unless you also change the pitch. I know there has to be a way to change how long the instrument last in FL, but haven't figured it out. Also, say i have a 10 second vocal sample in CEP, and i wan't the just end of it to continue longer and slowly fade out, how can i do it. Help me out. thanks.

Equality 7-2521

i rarely use time stretch when i need to make a note much longer cos it gives you undesired effects.

what i do is make a second copy of the note in question and put heavy attack AND decay on it. the result is a soft pulse. now what you do is play this pulse continuously. the idea is to get the decay of the previous not to blend with the attack of the following note so that there is NO pulse but moreover a smooth continuous sound. than you can lower you volume of the pulses when you want to make a manual decay for the whole thing and fade it out.

works better iwth some sounds that others and required a bit if fiddling around to get it just right so be prepared for that.