in the hizzle!!




my name is michael - aka khem (which was short for khemophlarge but no one could spell that sh!t right!!) and i'm from adelaide, south australia. been put onto this site by a couple of other cats in my area, not too sure what there sign in names are on here tho...

i like what i have seen so far - not really into hip hop production myself but i do produce drum and bass so i am sure i can pick up a tip or two from here ;)

about me... i'm a drum and bass dj/producer who also promotes events with international/interstate acts here in adelaide. in my spare time i run a local website for dnb events, etc... and of course spend a lot of time working on my studio tan :p

i have recently been nominated best dnb dj in our states dance music awards and have a few tracks released on local cd compilations. will probably look at making some of my own hip hop beats after i get a couple of other projects out of the way. ;)

i've been a massive fan of hip hop since i was in fifth grade, rocking run dmc's 'tougher than leather' back in the day. music has been a key ingredient in my life longer than i can remember - i used to push my tape recorder up to the radio to make my own mix tapes back before you could dub cassettes.

production wise, i finally kicked fruity loops to the curb and am loving cubase.

so yeah thats me

holla back



The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Welcome to IllMuzik. Whether you produce HipHop or not, you're still welcome here and bound to find some good tips and resources here.


no doubt, knowledge is the key ;)

since im new about the place, who wants to tell me the five coolest things about illmuzik to get me up to speed real quick??


Josef K.

One of the coolest elements has to be four adelaide cats representing in these forums now....welcome to the board mopants get yourself aquainted with all elements of the site, you will find some gems soon enough....and im sure you will get over the severe mpc bias on the site in no time

Equality 7-2521

yo khem. good to see you up in here. im from adelaide too.

im looking forward to hearing some of your work. congrats on your best d n b dj award. thats dope. ive recently started to really love drum n bass. Joseph. K made me a phat ass mix from his crate and im loving it.

5 coolest things about illmuzik (in my opinion, in no particular order)

1. no dickheads who talk shit and want beef. illmuzik is is tight as fuck and peeps are always there for each other.

2. heaps of experianced cats on illmuzik. that goes for all areas.....engeneering, producing, industry etc etc. ive learned heaps here. and theres still a wealth of knowledge waiting to be soaked up whenever you need it.

3. everyone here appears to be keen for hooking up and collaborating. theres also some sweet Mcs on this site too who are always up for lacing beats.

4. competitions and showcase. the Beat This comp is heaps of fun for everyone and alot of talent is displayed. the showcase are also an excellent part of the site as you can showcasr your work and get honest feedback from everyone else.

5. the dude who owns the site (Fade) is dedicated to it. hes always looking for ways to help out the artists here and get them exposure. its reassuring to come to a place where the mastermind really does care.

see you round



cheers! i've only been nominated, definitely not favourite to win but was a pleasant suprise nonetheless.

i beleive josef has hooked me up with one of your beats already mr messenger, look forward to hearing some more :)

Albert - II

welcome khem - o

good to see ya here

im that other cat from adelaide