im sure yall dont care but im happy

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The Beat Strangler
illest o.g.
Uh oh big controversy coming up! LOL, didn't that whole "bape" hoody discussion go totally crazy last time? Hey at least we finally see who you are!

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
nah its unique to me gets people lookin. the kid has some purp bapes also.
n im about to try n buy as many bbc/bape hoodies as possible.

lol,,word, hey man, i can't say shit,,,when i was young Starter jackets were the shit. everybody in my hood had one. I was a lakers fan so I had a black parka, and a gold jacket,,,yes, gold. I shall say no more.


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
if youre from the netherlands you should know about,,, purple haze and golden shower...