If the US enters in to another war in the next 7 years I am leaving.


ill o.g.
The only way it doesnt happen is if iran sells out to the IMF...

The anglo american empire will not tolerate self sufficent countries in the middle east and central asia


@StressWOn Sad but true.
I think the US should maybe try to fix some problems here like the economy for example instead of rushing into another war and spending more money, and killing more people. Shits retarded.


Mad Beats, No Angry Vegetables
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 10
Who cares what the republicans think they dnt have a decent candidate to fk with obama.. i kno some people are stupid n think obama is the reason for the economy n shit but most intelligent ppl know bush put us n this situation . u start two wars , cut taxes n increase spending n the economies gonna b hit. Common sense its not gonna jump right back . n fuck Iran and Israel ...Israel can take care of themselves Idk y the US always thinks its their job to babysit the world.


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Well yea, Obama is not responsible for the economy. But neither is Bush, as far as I can tell it was Clinton, Reagan, Nixon that caused the current issues. Remember it can take decades for legislation to make a difference. Not saying Bush isn't an ass hat, he is. But we need to think much bigger than we do!

I do think Ron Paul could probably fair ok against Obama, but everyone else is a retard. I do think Obama will get reelected and thats ok with me.


ill o.g.
I just saw Ron P on Leno onight> I gotta say he seems like a nice little old man. Funny how he said hat one woman whos running against him hates muslims while this next guy hate muslims and gays lollll.

He seemed like a very peacefull president who does not want to go to war.


ill o.g.
ron paul could beat obama cause he would be able to expose him as the whore that he is...Obama might as well run around in one of those nascar uniforms with companys like goldman sachs, kellog-root, the united nations, and monsanto as his sponsors.

I know everbody loves clinton cause he played saxaphone and chris rock said he had "nigga tendencies" but the fact remains that when he repealed the Glass-Steigel Act it allowed banks to trade derivatives which was the direct cause of the housing collapse and the root cause of this double dip recession (or depression) that the US is seeing right now...Bush, for as much of a cock blower as he was, had very, very little to do with the situation...

This is why aligning yourself with a political party is dumb because instead to actually looking at facts you just blame the last guy.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
...someone saw "inside job"



Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
ron paul could beat obama cause he would be able to expose him as the whore that he is...Obama might as well run around in one of those nascar uniforms with companys like goldman sachs, kellog-root, the united nations, and monsanto as his sponsors.

I know everbody loves clinton cause he played saxaphone and chris rock said he had "nigga tendencies" but the fact remains that when he repealed the Glass-Steigel Act it allowed banks to trade derivatives which was the direct cause of the housing collapse and the root cause of this double dip recession (or depression) that the US is seeing right now...Bush, for as much of a cock blower as he was, had very, very little to do with the situation...

This is why aligning yourself with a political party is dumb because instead to actually looking at facts you just blame the last guy.

It would be "undemocratic" for Clinton not to sign since the bill past the senate and HoR by a Republican majority. Obama had to do the same on the dod-frank act. The difference to bush jr is that he actively supported or iniated certain laws to pass for the benefit of the obvious. Bush Senior has withdrawn him from at least 2 occasions where conflict of interest was major obvious (1.Korea - Mercury communications/Carlyle - Bush actualy screwed Clinton up along the process. 2. United Defense - Crusader).

But hey, what do we know, there also mustve been a reason to shoot kennedy but those 2 examples just spells out double standards. Presidents are just mascottes, you can vote out a person but the system remains.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
An awesome documentary film (oscar winning) about the collapse of the economy......narrated by Matt Damon...

I love the movie...


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 68
ron paul could beat obama cause he would be able to expose him as the whore that he is...Obama might as well run around in one of those nascar uniforms with companys like goldman sachs, kellog-root, the united nations, and monsanto as his sponsors.

I know everbody loves clinton cause he played saxaphone and chris rock said he had "nigga tendencies" but the fact remains that when he repealed the Glass-Steigel Act it allowed banks to trade derivatives which was the direct cause of the housing collapse and the root cause of this double dip recession (or depression) that the US is seeing right now...Bush, for as much of a cock blower as he was, had very, very little to do with the situation...

This is why aligning yourself with a political party is dumb because instead to actually looking at facts you just blame the last guy.
word up. I agree 100%. The Clinton Administration started the housing bubble.


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.

Again, pointing the finger at Clinton is just completly irrelevant. Like said before, the congress back then had massive republic win, Clinton couldve exercised his veto but that would only be a symbolic display. Clinton got suckered by his own team of Goldman-Sach's advisors. In the end it was really Greenspan vs Clinton and Clinton lost. The GS act actualy had effect untill Republicans took seat for the 4 year term.

Again, im not pro either party, pro clinton etc but just elaborate on your reasoning because pointing fingers is cancerous. I agree that you shouldnt make personal alignments to political parties but assumption is the devil too. Fact is that there are still a few brains from either side that think the GS act is good as it keeps speculative markting out of the scheme as much as possible. The mechanics that kept the speculants in power are eventualy found in those private equities which cause the dependancy of the current financial model.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
...which is why I need the Federal Reserve out..