how do i sample with cool edit pro(adobe audition)?

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ill o.g.
sampling is not easy no matter the software that ur using. cool edit pro is not the best tool for sampleing i suggest something like sound forge. but all u have to do is load the clip ur trying to sample into the edit interface in cool edit pro (adobe adution.) there the song should be in a wave format and all u have to do is cut and paste from there. after you cut the sample u want you should paste it to a new file. u might want to adjust the sound of the sample befor u use it so i hope ur familar with fl studio or reason. cool edit pro does not offer eg and tempo finder like sound forge and acid so you just have to work with whats in cool edit pro.


Miss C.C.
ill o.g.
How u sample iz up to u but u can uze Cool Edit jus let yo imagination run wild. I have uzed Cool Edit for choppin and stuff. So load up a sound or record into it and see what u can do my manz.



Boom Bap is precious art
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 220
this is what I do:
1. load the song up that you wanna sample from.
2. Left click and drag to hightlight the specific part you wanna sample
3.Right click and and click "copy to new" (this separates the specific sample from the song itself that you're sampling)
4. Turn sample into a WAV. BY GOING TO FILE and saving the sample as a WAV. ( you can save it where ever you keep all your samples)

good luck!

lee traffik

ill o.g.
i agree with skidflow, that is pretty much what i do. also use the timestretch feature. most samples are sped up, at least a little bit. when u have a loop (or loops) that u are satisfied with, import them into fruity loops and add drums and whatever other sounds u fel will help

Lex Luthor

u can find the tempo in cool edit pro. right click on the wave form and goto wave properties (ctrl+p) and u can change the number of beats to tell u the tempo of the loop. maybe i misinterpretted ur statement Vell, but thats u can do it in adobe to my knowledge.

ll = n00b