How can i recreate this sound? (Audio Clip Inside)

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Try looking for synths with "sync" somewhere in their name. On a lot of my vst's and modules there are sounds like that and they're usually titled 'hard sync' or have sync somewhere else in the title.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Does anybody know how i maybe able to recreate this sound using Reason. I think it's some sort of snyth not really to sure as i've never heard anything like it before while i've been going through my soundbank(s).


The Thor in 4.0 is full of those bass synth sounds with adjustable sync.

Try the Malstrom.....I'm pretty sure I've heard similar sounds there as well. If it's not in the malstrom in 3.0 it's probably not there. Oh yea, that sound has "very heavy" modulation on it, so make sure when you're going thru your synth sounds you have that pushed all the way up or you may not get that effect! You may find something similar that'll work. If you have 4.0 I just found several real close.

Here's an example:


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
I'll look into all of the methods that you all dropped later today, hopefully i should be able to figure it out now.

Thanks for replys.

The first one was very similar, was that made with one of the new Reason devices or the current Malstrom/Subtractor?

Reason 4.0 Thor