Hip Hop Honeys (Erotic Pictures By Fade's Holiday Request)

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
i've been searching the web for some hotness ("Fade: Hey since I'm not on my computer right now I don't have access to my stash of porn pics so someone do me a favor and post pics of some HOT ho's. Remember it's the holidays so HO is the key word here"):

1. http://www.icemaguk.com/honeyz.htm

2. http://beautifulzueri.blogspot.com/

3. http://www.allnight.dk/disco_pages/billeder/vis_serie.asp?serienr=5591&disco_siteguid=00098

4. http://www.allnight.dk/disco_pages/...er.asp?disco_siteguid=00098&subgroupguid=1217

5. http://www.allnight.dk/disco_pages/billeder/vis_serie.asp?serienr=1885&disco_siteguid=00098

Enjoy & Happy Holidays,


Ha Ha Wings, how did you find those disco pages with pictures of all those danish girls?
The first "allnight.dk" link is of regular danish (and some swiss at the bottom) girls showing boobs (a good tradition here in Denmark). Funny, the 14th picture form the top is of a girl I chased for a couple of weeks 3-4 years ago...never got anything though. Perhaps I should try again ;)
Second link "allnight.dk" link is of some danish strippers from a famous stripper bureau, who have had a documentary on Tv.
Third "allnight.dk" link is also of danish girls. I think picture 31 is of that girl again that I chased...damn some big ass boobs. Fade should know who picture 35 from the top is with all his porn knowledge...danish porn actress Katja Kean, who is now in a danish comedy sitcom and guest bartender around the country in a campaign for some vodka company.
Thanks for the links Wings...I'll provide an american one...
Rap Hunnies
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3

Word! you're welcome.
thanks for the explanation!
i actually don't remember how i got those links :p
the urls have been bookmarked for a long time now...

"Funny, the 14th picture form the top is of a girl I chased for a couple of weeks 3-4 years ago...never got anything though. Perhaps I should try again" - haha, word!
go for it!

Happy New Year,

Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
At Heavens Gate with a disk full of Porn

dissapointed, shame on you. But who should care anyway right!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Kevin A, :lol: :laugh:
my HD isn't full of porn. not even a single MB as a matter of fact.
i do have some EROTIC links such as these, but for posting purpose only. i prefer the real thing (i'm still looking for my angel though, ain't rushin' nowhere)...

A woman's body is a work of art. A man's body is utilitarian. It's for
gettin' around. Kinda like a Jeep."
- Elaine on Seinfeld on why men shouldn't walk around naked.

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