Gotta luv them Apples!


ill o.g.
This is what they get for picking a choosing what stays on their store.

If they would let it be open like they try to make themselves seem then, they wouldn't have this problem. Cause then it'd be purely user discretion.
Fucking hypocrites, they want the freedom to express their sexuality, but Oh dear they get all offended at a fucking iPhone app. I get fucking offended when I see two men kissing but that doesnt stop them. They need to accept that as much as they want their sexual freedom, it also offends people, especially religious people for which sodomy is a sin. They dont care who they offend during their gay rights marches, so fuck em.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Such bullshit..

Unfortunately the gay community is a lot stronger than people think...

But I think pulling the app is bullshit........Because it doesn't make people become

The ones who really get offended by all this bullshit are such fags....


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
lol, that kinda makes Apple gay! I knew they were gonna pull it when I read that they pulled another app after only 8000 people protested it.