goddamn sons of bitches

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Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
i just found out that the blade series got cancelled, hadnt had time to check it out for a while...

but them bastards at spike tv seemed to have cancelled it a while back,,, all i got to say sons of bitches!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
lol... I don't know man.. I attmepted to watch it a couple times and never really got into it.. sTicky Fingaz as Blade is kinda out of pocket in my opinion...


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
yeah but as the serie progressed it got really better, the plot was stretching far beyond one episode that is what i liked and offcourse the vampires hahahaha.
and finish what you start, i went through the trouble of downloading it, gimme some illegal satisfaction!

The Bastard

lol... I don't know man.. I attmepted to watch it a couple times and never really got into it.. sTicky Fingaz as Blade is kinda out of pocket in my opinion...

r u fuckin for real, sticky fingaz from onyx was blade on the series?! now i wish i watched it


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 32
lol... I don't know man.. I attmepted to watch it a couple times and never really got into it.. sTicky Fingaz as Blade is kinda out of pocket in my opinion...

yeh that was why i stopped watching it after the first episode, but i heard it got better and and he worked as blade after a while


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
word it got better, dont be sleepin after one episode, its like diggin the first track on the record might be crap but the album might be gold!