Ghetto Of The Mind - ^ Ghetto Report Card ^

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
The ghetto is quite a magical place. It has rules of its own, it definitely doesn't "obey" to any common standards. The ghetto is just somethin' else folks; I'd describe it as: otherworldly & twisted.

"You must first confront the Dark in order to be lead into the Light..."

Spirit Evolution starts from within the depth of darkness. You must first appreciate and survive this netherworld - "Da Ghetto".

Once you move out (if you do...), You will look back at the old things and see them in a new light! Tormented shadows of the past... That's the deal...

There's an entire - hidden - dimension within every experience we undergo in our lives. Even when things look bad and hopeless, we always HAVE to find solace in the midst of darkness & obscurity... Don't surrender, CELEBRATE!

Join me my dear friends, WE GOTTA UNITE. We must take humanity to the next level, further on, away from the sickness of this pitiable existence. WE SHALL BRING HAPPINESS & ENLIGHTENMENT TO THIS MOTHERFUCKER. WORD IS LIFE.

My message is that of harmonious synthesis of all that is best in the systems of the East and the West, of Spirit and Matter, Positive and Negative, an equilibrium intended to ensure a happy life: not only trying to live happily without preparing also to die as happily as one lived.

"There is only one real book to study and learn from—
the greatest of all books—
and that is the very manuscript that you, yourself, are."

Life is a little journey wiled away most times running effortlessly after mirages and shadows wanting to posses them all. The quest for more than just the norm can open floodgates of energy and life in a true sense, slowly building a connection with the higher world. Ponder on how you have spent the past ten years of your life and how would you want to spend the few remaining ones! Ready to take on?

Waiting for the days of sinking in nirvana of togetherness and harmony,

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
i think i understood what u meant there .. but on a related note .. i think that the word ghetto is nothing more than a state of mind... i think alot of the problems and stereotypes that people associate with the ghetto are just simply a product of the mental barriers poeple put on themselves ... i live in the hood .. and used to work in a diffrent hood (harlem)tryin to help out the community and evrywhere its the same .. there is so much wasted opportunity not taken advantage of. I think the biggest obstacle that prevents someone from making it out "the ghetto: is not the government or the police or discrimination or anything ... Its other simple minded niggas that know there not going to amount to nothing so they try and bring evryone else around them down too... peer pressure is a bitch .. a melissa ford type bitch hard to resist... some of the smartest people i know are hustlin dope or doin some other illegal shit for a living.. if they apply that same hustle and smarts to a legal hustle then they could make it. but evrybody drags evrybody else down tryin to live up to a glorified gangsta image ..... and people in genral are fearful of what they dont know and would rather be in the hood and struggle than try to progress because they were never taught that they actually had potential and they cant see past the corner.

a funny observation i had:

i worked in harlem providing people with a form of medicare insurance that was free. I would visit churches, kitchens, community centers..etc. Almost all of these places have weekly set times where they serve free food to whoever walks in the door... after working that job for like a month i knew on any given day (twice a day) where i could get a free meal.. i ate evryday for free .. pretty good food too not sum bullshit... i was a working professional and i found a way to eat in the hood evryday for free ( i even got cool with diffrent people at the diffrent sites i would go an shit my boys would laugh and say why the fuc do u do that ... but then id be the one who still had money in my pocket at the end of the week...... i kept thinking to myself.. why are people on the street begging for food? ... if i was on the streets i would def find a way to hit up all these places for their meals ... the bottom line its the mentality ..theres ways to eat and theres way to progress u just have to make better use of the resources around u and listen to urself, not your loser friends.

The Bastard

my minds always in the gutter, i guess that means i have a ghetto mind