fl studio

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ill o.g.
i have music loaded in fl studio and i need help with looping it. Can i use anything in fl studio to loop the points? I've only been experimenting for two days so i need some advice. i know a lot of you will direct me to the instructions but if its no too much to ask could you give me a walk through of your process with FL studio. When i say walk me through i mean: 1. open fruit loops
2. Go to etc.
3. record drum pattern
4. Assign track
5. And so on and so on.

The reason i broke it down like that is because i'm the type that can see something done once and if it catches my interest i can go and do it if necessary. Thanks for taking the time out to even read my sorrows.



Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
what do you mean by your initial question...

Can i use anything in fl studio to loop the points?

I dont really get the question. But anyways...
In order to loop a sound in flstudio, you need to HAVE a LOOP. if you dont, than it's possible, but way more complicated.

A loop is a sound that can be looped (of course) that means that if played repeatedly, it "flows". The end of the sound matches the beginning of the sound.

Then, when you HAVE a loop, the 2 best ways to loop a sound is either you put it in the Fruity Slicer or you open the sound and set his lenght.

1st thing 1st. Put the sound you're working with in the file of the sound browser (normally it's in the Flstudio file called patches, I think...

With the Fruity Slicer. Go to Channel (in the top menus)/ Add one. There should be a list of the different channels you can add. Choose the fruity slicer.

When the fruity slicer is opened, drag-drop the loop you wanna use in the fruity slicer (press the mouse's left button on the loop you wanna use and keep it pressed, slide to the fruity slicer and let go of the button)...

Something should appear in the piano roll... that's your loop that has been sliced sound by sound... normally, you can change the lenght of the sample by changing the BEATS and number in the slicer window. You can choose any power of 2 (4, 8, 16, 32, etc...)

That number will stretch the sample, so if that number is too big the sample will sound chopped up and not really natural (but it could be an effect you wanna have). If it's small, the sample will be played faster. Chose the beats number accordingly and, if necessary, change the BPM of the whole song (not the sample!)

As for the other way, I'll let someone else explain it, or I'll do it another time...

If you wanna know who to make a loop from the sound you wanna loop... Ask... That's something else. It can be done in flstudio, but most people do it with another program (like Audition, the new Cool Edit or Audacity, a free program)


polyphonically beyond me
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
yo cees, when i sampled with flstudio I would set the tempo and make a 4 bar drum pattern. Once i did that I would open cool edit and record the 4 bars. Then I would see exactly how long the 4 bars were and timestretch (using cool edit) the sample to the exact time of the 4 bar drum pattern.

It will only work with samples with weak percussions and your drum patteren shoudl be very basic. once you load the timestretched sample in fl and play the sample and percussion(drums) together, then you can illustrate your drum section more and add other samples, wavs, whatever. if that confusd you then get cool edit demo and get to know fl studio better and then come back and read this again.