F The Police...

  • warzone (oct 8-12) signup begins in...

Peace Out Pat

ill o.g.
I didn't know where else to turn. I got pulled over like 3 hours ago sitting passenger with my friend who's inspection/registration are both up on his car, he trailed us for about 4 miles before he finally pulled us over, around the moment he got behind us, we both lit up cigarettes. Precisely about 20 seconds AFTER he flicked the blues, I flicked my cigarette butt, up over the car into the street, in an apparent mistake to avoid contact with dry leaves. When he first approached the car, the first thing he asked was "Is there any reason you flicked that cigarette butt back there?" I replied "It was gone, What do you mean?" he came back of course with something like "The cigarette you were smoking, why did you throw it in the street?" and I replied with "there's no ashtray in here" and he mumbled, and continued with my friend.

He talked to us for like 30 minutes, requesting information from me, and at the end of it, gave my friend a warning, and issued me a summons for littering.

What the fuck. Do I do?

I turned eighteen like a couple months back, and have nothing on my criminal record, Besides smoking every day, I am virtually a perfect citizen when it comes to abiding the law. Fuck the police,
I shall contest this,

But what the fuck do I say to get out of this?


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
The best and always safest way is to hire a lawyer to defend you. You're probably looking at two to three hundred dollars (Im guessing, just based on the cost of a speeding ticket...) but if there are any penalties for littering, the lawyer can possibly have dropped. Thats my suggestion. Talk to a lawyer first and they will tell you what they can or cant do, and they'll tell you how much it will cost you.

Oh and there's always "prayer for judgement" if its your very first offense...basically, they'll just drop the charge.


ill o.g.
Man hate to harp on you but there's nothing you can really do to fight it, myself being a smoker have always known not to ash out the window or flick your butts out. Even if you get caught ashing out the window he can write you up for littering (seriously). My advice is to pay the piper and remember not to make the same mistake again.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Shit, this is an old story....
That same thing happened to me when I was like 18.
I was rollin to the ampm to get gas and this pig came and chirped me up for no apparent reason.
I gave him my ID, etc. and then he told me I ran a red, even tho it was clearly still yellow. (fucker must have been trying to meet his quota)....
So anyways, I was still smoking a cigarette and got nervous when he was asking me questions and dropped it out the window after I was done not really thinking about the fact that it was gonna be a red flag to pick on me. 2 seconds after, dude is like "you gonna pick that butt up?"...So I just picked the fucker up and put it in a receipt i had on the floor and let the fool give me a ticket for running an imaginary red light.

Moral of the story: The Po-Po will try and give you a ticket for practically anything. Just try to not give them the greenlight to do so.
Moral of the story: The Po-Po will try and give you a ticket for practically anything. Just try to not give them the greenlight to do so.
cosign, they make shit up as an excuse to pull you and then try to find anything they can to give you a ticket for something. I have been pretty lucky though. I have also had all out arguments with police who are in the wrong too. I was lucky to get away with the last encounter, cos I really let rip on the copper.
The prick was sat on a roundabout and wouldnt let me past, he then showed me his badge like I was supposed to be scared of it and reverse all the way up the road in my lorry, I wasnt having any of it, I said "I dont care who you are, that dont give you a license to drive like a prick" He wasnt amused, so he told me to pull over.
I did so and asked what exactly I was going to be given a ticket for, he kept saying I would find out, he wouldnt show me his badge number so I could report the incident, and as it turned out he was in child protection and didnt have tickets in the car, so he sent one of the females in the car with him to the station to go and pick some up.
All the time this is happening Im caning him about how its no surprise child protection is fucking failing if the stupid idiots are wasting their time on things like this. I keep threatening to drive off if he doesnt show me his badge number, but waited it out, eventually i waved down the the uniform coppers as they drove past and explained to them what was going on, I said he could be anybody, how do I know hes really a copper if I havent seen his badge properly, then they got involved and I told them exactly what was going on, and I drive off after 5 mins, no ticket.

and as for littering in front of the police, thats just something you dont do. It gives them the excuse they are looking for to fuck up your day.
Many police are corrupted by the power the badge and unform gives them. Dont give them reason, thats all I can say. You will just have to pay the fine and learn the expensive lesson.
I dunno if the Brit cops are a little more lenient, but if you were to yell at a cop here you would either get peppered or get a knee on your neck just for saying your piece.

There is a fine line between what you can get away with and what you cant, I crossed the line by using a few swear words, but I was pissed off, because he was in the wrong, and I made it very clear that he was in the wrong. And then when he refused to show ID, or tell me what Id done wrong, that gave me a way out when the uniforms turned up.
But like I said I was lucky on that occasion. Mainly because I knew how far I could go, and knew my rights. And on top of that it had only been a couple days since another small child died as a result of neglect and the system failing to act. So thats why I really went in on that.


ill o.g.
funny thing I noticed...brothers are terrified of the police and white people ain't scared to speak their mind to NO ONE...

Bottom line the cops FUCK with you until you're a grown ass man, because they can tell who knows their rights and who doesn't

Cops always try to catch plex with me when I'm out and they see the outline of my gun, they get real shook and want me to take it off my hip and unload it and go through a bunch of shit...When I refuse but offer to show them my concealed carry license they back down a little more, then when they start asking me registration questions and I remind them that, that is really none of their business they know that I am in full knowledge of my rights and I go from some pistol packin thug to fuck with to law abiding citizen.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
LouBez said:
funny thing I noticed...brothers are terrified of the police and white people ain't scared to speak their mind to NO ONE...
I dunno bout that....Im always scared as fuck to say anything to these assholes cuz Ive never had nothing but bad luck with em'. Ive only met 1 "ok" cop in my life that gave me a pass and he was still kind of a dick.

I mean, i see where the stereo type came from but I gotta disagree that thats really accurate for "ALL" white people.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Man hate to harp on you but there's nothing you can really do to fight it, myself being a smoker have always known not to ash out the window or flick your butts out. Even if you get caught ashing out the window he can write you up for littering (seriously). My advice is to pay the piper and remember not to make the same mistake again.


OP: theres nothing to dispute. He went easy on yall foreal-foreal. Yall could be sittin on anything from weed to murder charges right now

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
i know u guys seen this already rite?

cops trump up charges ALL the fuckin time... and judges believe them... one thing Ive learned is to do things by the book when pulled over... they ask dumbass questions, tryin to trip u up... u definately leave pissed off with them all after just one incident... im glad these guys in this vid will be fucked over really good... its NOT racial like it used ta be... some cops are just plain assholes... fuck what color u are... they are their own gang.

da relic


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
i know u guys seen this already rite? YouTube- Cops Beating Student Caught on Camera

cops trump up charges ALL the fuckin time... and judges believe them... one thing Ive learned is to do things by the book when pulled over... they ask dumbass questions, tryin to trip u up... u definately leave pissed off with them all after just one incident... im glad these guys in this vid will be fucked over really good... its racial like it used ta be... some cops are just plain assholes... fuck what color u are... they are their own gang.

da relic

I hate seeing this happen, but I LOVE when its caught on tape!! People act like it doesnt happen anymore.


ill o.g.
I dunno bout that....Im always scared as fuck to say anything to these assholes cuz Ive never had nothing but bad luck with em'. Ive only met 1 "ok" cop in my life that gave me a pass and he was still kind of a dick.

I mean, i see where the stereo type came from but I gotta disagree that thats really accurate for "ALL" white people.

yeah but you know what I'm saying though...I wasnt trying to get on some ignorant shit.
yeah but you know what I'm saying though...I wasnt trying to get on some ignorant shit.

My best mate has had some run ins with the police, they have tried fitting him up on two seperate occasions, he is black, in this day an age its still a sad fact that black people do get treated differently by the police.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Im almost convinced that cops like this are mostly products of our own environment. Back in high school there was this kid that wanted to be in the "in crowd" but he wasn't as privileged as most of them so he wasn't excepted in their little click. Then he tried sports but didn't make the team. He wanted to join the marching band but his parents couldn't afford to buy him an instrument. I mean during some of the most important years of his life, he was rejected.

When he graduated from high school, college wasn't an option so he went to the community college and got into criminal law/law enforcement. He became a cop and turned into a cop just like you saw in the video that da relic posted. Anyway, I think most of the "crazy cops" where cats that were rejected growing up and now that they are grown, they can't wait to show a mofo who the boss is now.

My wife and I were just joy riding one night and decided to go to an adjacent town. We jumped in the SUV and hit the road. We got to the downtown section of this town and I pulled up to a stop light(in the left turning lane). A cop car pulled up beside me (in the straight lane), when the light turned green I turned left and I saw the cop car follow me. I'm thinking "ah ish here we go". Blue light comes on and these cats get on the PA horn saying "step out with your hands up", we did so...as the cops approached us, the one I went to HS with recognized me and called off the BS. Thats all good and well but here's the thing, what law could I have broken while sitting at a stop light? These mofo's just felt like fuggin with somebody and it just happened to be me that night. Had I not known this cat from HS, Im 99% sure something would have went down that night.

It's sad but you gotta be careful, these type of cats will flip on you for NO reason.

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
^^ i cosign everything u just said. ^^ bein in NYC for the last 40+ yrs has made me very aware to what goes on everyday out here... its stupid to think ur gonna get away with shit though, especiallyt when u have cameras and cell phones basically everywhere.

da relic

Peace Out Pat

ill o.g.
I love you guys.

But here's my plan, show up an hour early, clean up all the cigarette butts in front of the courthouse and put them in a giant zip-lock bag, apologize my ass off, request a diminished fine and pray for an awesome judge who can see I'm not such a bad person.

It's $165 btw, which I think is fucking ridiculous for one cigarette butt on a rule that completely passed my mind during the time. Also it was offered to be picked up by my friend, before I could say the same thing, but he denied and said it probably blew away by then.

Also when I was talking to the cop, I mentioned once or twice I didn't have a job when he requested ID, and he still gave me a ticket. I am a sad boy.

Thanks everyone Wish me luck, or perhaps extra advice on what to do in the courthhouse


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Ok..here we go:

There are a lot of good police officers out there, and when people have bad interactions with police, they generalize all of them. It is NOT fair put the officers that do a great job in the same category to those assholes who wear badges.....

I've been in situations where the officers acted like an ass....Shit..ask Nomics, I was in the whip with him when a cop gave him shit.....

Also..by throwing your lit cigarette out of the window...is #1 littering...#2 a fire danger.

The inspection and registration sticker was up....You're disobeying state law right there....seriously.....if the registration and inspection was up to date, he wouldn't have followed you. COULD'VE made you step out of your car...and make you get a tow truck take the car BACK to your home or to a garage to at least get it inspected...

I have a lot of close friends and family who are police officers who do their jobs very well. To say "fuck the police" is insulting them and many others who do their jobs well... People always talk about how the cops fuck with other people...but they don't talk about those who pull motorists out of burning cars, get killed in narcotics investigations, those who save the lives of people they don't even know on a daily basis...You don't even talk about those who died in 9/11....And when you do, "it's their job". A job that most people are SCARED OF DOING. These people RISK THEIR LIVES EVERY SINGLE DAY WEARING A TARGET ON THEIR CHEST.

Couple weeks back a highway patrol officer was shot doing a routine traffic stop...Fuck him too? All he was doing was his job....

Might as well say Fuck the armed forces too..because some of them come across as pieces of shit too...With their superiority complexes with them being military and the rest of us being just plain civilians.....

I'm actually really sick and tired of people bashing ALL cops in general...99% of the officers are good officers who come to work and do their job(s) with integrity...


ill o.g.
interesting sucio.
dam. back when i was in high school we were going to this "gang" fight and 3 squad car pulls up and chases alll of us. hahaha. we all got away (like 20 of us) except my boy who eventually got all charges dropped. i mean. technically.. we weren't doing anything...

but ye, one night my brother was pulled over for speeding and didn't have his license on him. the cop was korean (we're korean) and talked to my bro about life and shit for about 10 minutes in the squad car LOL. my brother said he was a student and finances were hard and shit and the guy stopped writing and ripped the ticket up and let him go. not all are assholes. eh. but then again some cops are and that shit sticks out. no doubt its because of power tripping.