F.L. studio question


The Bastard

yo i got a question about midi with fruity loops ,i got this perfect sample to go along with this beat ,im not having any trouble playing the sound back with my keyboard through midi or anything the only thing im havin problems with i want the acording button to turn on when i hit the key,in other words when im playing the sample from the keyboard i want the button to turn on right when and where i hit it,i hope i explained this good enough if u can help me out jus reply or email me at ninobabyhands@aol.com peace

The Bastard

nah man i didnt get a response,id apreciate your help besides the problem i m having tho im really feelin this program

Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
FL Studio Question

Options>midi settings>highlight record to step sequencer

and set your latency as low as you can without any skipping.

Not absolute sure what you said the problem was, that's the best I can do with that information. Why don't you ask tech support? or can you?:headbang:

thumper 7

and if that didnt help use link to controller

and link the knob or button to your keyboard

just right click whatever button it is and select linkto controlller and then voila !!!

The Bastard

wheres the link to controller and link the knob or button to your keyboard option?