EVERYBODY WATCH THIS! *NYOIL - Y'all should all get lynched*

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3

"This is some of the realest shit that's been spit... This is the truth.... Hip-Hop these days definitely needs this type of wake-up call!"

Lyrics and Insight: http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?f...&MyToken=281c6845-16f2-42f0-8e9e-85b74c51d052

What people have to say about this song:
"Nyoil - "Y'All Should All Get Lynched" is a burning song that levels scorching indignation and heat toward "sell out rappers", disrespectful images of Blacks, and the objectification/pornographizing of Black women. Watching the video of the song that has been banned by Youtube.com I felt a feeling I had not felt in a long time. A fire lit in my soul and I threw up my fist and shouted "Hell yeah". I mean I was feeling it, hard head nodding and all. I could feel the pulse of this brother's raw passion and righteous fury all throughout the song.
Finally a voice, unafraid and brutally real, assaulting the forces that have dredged hip-hop into a state of denigration and degeneration. The song is indeed harsh as hell, but the brutal honesty is needed in my opinion. It seems as if people will remain in denial unless something shocking comes along to jolt them back to their senses. With this song Nyoil has single-handedly crafted a lethal lyrical weapon that lashes hard and precisely. Even if you don't like the song it will stir a fire in your blood and make you THINK"

Long live REAL HIP-HOP!

Keep It Real,


willing vic to the music
ill o.g.
First OFF! THANK YOU!!!!!!! its sooooooooooooooooooooooo fucking sad to see our people acting like puppets. I feel so out of place cuz this is my thought process. Im not racist far from it,but my people are dear to me,and it upsets me when we act so hard and really are marketing ploys for the rich. LOL they walk our hoods with cameras pointing out what we have know for years for a few votes. Then we're like "oh sweet he's got our backs" then after he gets where he needs to be shit dont get done. 100k on a grill,while schools are failing.80 mil for a hoop contract,my son hoops,but we're broke...lol my god. This has to be Satans playground.Bottom fucking Line I would Die for my people if it means we would get right. ONE!


Army Of Darkness
ill o.g.
word like the lyrics too, they are on point, with a more pumped beat it would be fire!
the beat is too regular for me.


Royal Souf Productions
ill o.g.
I'll believe it when i see it yo. Most of the rappers that walk around with their nose stuck up in the air acting like they are better than everyone else are usually the ones with the most problems. So until i see him practice what he preach then i'm just gonna fall back. Sort of a nice track tho.

Benny BuKu

ill o.g.
I agree w/ the sentiments of the track...but most mc's feel that way until they get on...the ones that last w/o "cooning" are the legends. so I also agree w/ FSC. throw that nigga some money and we'll see if he don't coon too.


ill o.g.
FSC said:
I'll believe it when i see it yo. Most of the rappers that walk around with their nose stuck up in the air acting like they are better than everyone else are usually the ones with the most problems. So until i see him practice what he preach then i'm just gonna fall back. Sort of a nice track tho.

do your history on the UMC's and you'll see it's official. UMC's were on the fun yet, edutainment tip.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Not For Sale - NYOIL Interview

Robbie: I liked what you said on your MySpace blog about not showing your face and letting the music speak.

NYOIL: These days before you even get to hear the music, your bombarded by images. Dudes mean mugging the camera, women half dressed - they try to sell you the album before you even heard it. They (the powers that be) have it so down pat that nine times out of ten you do buy the album without hearing more than one song. I wanted to be able to just present my music, my lyrics, the production and the message. I want to be a “Car Stereo” artist. When you’re in the car and you put your CD’s in, only the stuff that you are really feeling is going to get any play time. So I want to be that sort of artist.

I feel that if I get caught up in who I am more so than what I am doing then I am going to diminish my ability to do all the things I would like to do. I really couldn’t have done a song like “Get Lynched” and try to be a public figure…it would be too contrived. But doing it as a faceless artist, in my opinion, allows it to represent an ideal - more than one person’s opinion.

Were you given a reason why your video for “Lynched” was removed from YouTube?

Not yet, not at all. I sent them an email asking why my video was removed whilst other videos considerably more offensive to blacks and others alike play all day everyday uncontested. I haven’t gotten a response. Considering they are making the sale to Google, I guess they didn’t want any trouble. Which is deep, why would a song like “Y’all should all get lynched” be more troublesome to YouTube than the thousands of videos of under-age black girls and white girls alike doing jigglit videos (videos where they are in essence shaking what they got for the camera)? Doesn’t that sort of imply child pornography? That doesn’t strike you as odd that of all the filth on that site one of the things that they are diligent about is a song that is in essence reminding the people of the sacrifices that were made and to live up to them? Because the shame you are bringing upon your people and ancestor’s deserves punishment of the highest order.

It seems that certain people can’t handle anti-”cooning” messages, even going back to KMD getting dropped over their artwork for Black Bastards in the 90s.

And that’s why were all fucked up in the game today. I don’t know what it is about people but it seems as if they have the highest tolerance for disrespect, but if someone tells them to do right for themselves they are up in arms. Where are these voices of concern and outrage when black women are singled out above all women as bitches and hoes and skeeyos and all sorts of other fucked-up names? That shit’s all good with these people. When these pussy-ass rappers who don’t know anything about real hustling beyond what they heard from the next dude jump on a record and not only give a damn play-by-play description of how to sell and transport drugs, but then go on to advocate the sale of the drugs in the hood.

What kinda traitor shit is that? You don’t sell Cracks and Meth and X in your own hood! Look, do what the fuck you gonna do - if that’s how you gotta eat? Aight, fuck it. But damn you ain’t even got the rules of the game right. That’s violating all codes. But no one has shit to say about that. I never hear anyone say shit about what is going on in the schools with girls and boys getting assaulted and beat the fuck up on the daily because they aint gang affiliated - where was all this outrage then? But nah. I said “Malcolm X died so you can act like this” and thus the behavior deserves to be lynched. And to be honest, no I ain’t mean it figuratively. Some of these motherfuckers need to swing from a tree literally, that is the depth of this offense.

People been lynched for real in the name of securing you the freedom to act like this, people have been mauled by dogs and blown over by water hoses so you can act like this? There are people that have been locked-up, and are still locked-up right now, in the name of liberating blacks in this country. Where the fuck is the outrage for them? Nooooo, fuck them right?! But God forbid I should say of the people who shit on the spirits and souls and sacrifices of my ancestors that they should get lynched…aww well, then all the sudden motherfuckers are real sensitive.

You notice that these motherfuckers that talk all sorts of greasy shit are awfully sensitive about what the next man has to say about them - totally disregarding the fucking cesspool of filth they put out with every record. And the people kill me even worse, ’cause they let themselves be disrespected at every turn by the media, politicians, and big business every day - and don’t say or do shit about it - up until this black Man has the nerve to speak up for his people.

The sad thing about the rap world today is that anyone who criticizes the weak shit gets called a “hater”. Have you been accused of that?

I am a hater. So are you. I read your column, you’re a hater big time. So is most of the people that come to your site. What’s wrong with being a hater? I hate certain shit! I hate the fact that a brother can come home after 4 years of college, struggle his ass off, no food ’cause he on a limited scholarship, barely keep a roof over his head, living off TopRamen noodles…Gotta rock the same 4 or 5 outfits for the semester cause his family ain’t really got it for him to get fresh. But somehow that brother stays strong and makes it through, and after all that struggle he come home to nothing. This nigga ain’t shit in the hood he get no glory. But let this fucking dude come home from lock up after a 4 year fuck up. 3 hots and a cot after basically being a fucking loser ’cause if you got locked up that mean you fucked-up somewhere along the line - so your not even a good criminal. “Aww, this dude is the shit”. He gonna get some pussy, the block gonna have a fucking picnic, parties, niggas is gonna have a new outfit for him a blunt already rolled up and the whole shit. That don’t inspire hate in you? You got love for that injustice? If you do then you’re some kind of pussy.

I had a line in the song that said: “I saw a porn online the shit blew my mind had to be the biggest disrespect of all time. White boy and a black girl on a dirty bed, had her moaning ‘Heil Hitler’ with his foot on her head…” I ain’t make that shit up - I saw this shit with my own eyes! I mean, fuck dude, I like porn like the next dude but got damn! That’s the new shit now? And blacks ain’t outraged by this? I mean hey, if you’re a white dude, the fuck do you care, but if you’re a human being that shit has to upset you. But I’m a “hater” ’cause I subscribe lynching to people who without good cause or reason do this sort of shit.

And you know what? Fuck that “hater” shit! Fuck “Keeping It Real”! Fuck “Stop Snitching”!” Fuck all these wack-ass rap slogans. So any type of bullshit you decide to subscribe to is just “keeping it real”, and if someone take exception to it, they’re “hating” on you? And this “stop snitching” shit? What the fuck? Look man - not for nothing. This dude that Busta Rhymes keep shouting out - his bodyguard - that was watching his jewelery! Do you understand? The brother was being paid to watch a bag full of fucking processed metal and rocks! A father with young children we are talking about. Some ole’ bullshit rap beef between niggas that are getting mad money as it is pops off and guess who gets killed? Now Busta is tryna be street credible, so he goes on a “Stop Snitchin’” campaign? Doggy, that’s not snitchin’…

Me and you rob a bank, we pull the shit off but somewhere down the line I get pinched by the cops. They interrogate me and offer me a plea, or they try to break me into telling ‘em who I was with - or they just bag me up - and instead of taking my bid like a man, I start snitching. That’s snitching. Someone killing another man at your vidfeo shoot which is like someone coming into your house or your place of business and violating like that. You supposed to either straighten it out yourself or you supposed to see to it that the family get justice. And you know what? I love Busta, but I love justice more. And we see where that street cred got him - the type of people that respect that sort of bullshit got no love or loyalty to anyone.

What are some of the most memorable battles you’ve been involved in?

Mostly in Washington Square Park. That’s where the best battles were happening. This is around ‘94-’97 - that was a real hip-hop Renaissance. The true backpackers were there. You had to rock a backpack or a nap sack because you were going to be out from like 10am till 3am the next morning. So you needed something to hold your rhyme book in, some shoes if you wanted to go to a party that didn’t allow sneakers, a change of clothes if you got the chance to bun up, your weed needed a safe place along with your dutch. And if you were smart about it you might even bring something to eat so you didn’t have to spend money.

I remember battling this dude…I don’t remember his name but the dude said this rhyme that was so fucking ridiculous - he was going hard and then the dude went into some…man, I can’t even articulate what this dude did with his voice and flow, suffice to say I had to come with my very best shit to even it out. And you know what was fly about those days? There was a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect. If someone got the best of you, you wouldn’t get mad - you’d go home and write like 10 fucking verses to try and be ready for the next time you saw him. It wasn’t about money or things. It was about getting busy.

Is there anyone else on your shit-list right now?

Nah. No one is on my shit list. You see that video I made, it implies that I am talking about these artists, per se. The truth of the matter is I did the shit on Microsoft Movie Maker - taught myself how to do it the same day I made the thing. So truthfully as “video’s” go the shit is some trash. But people feel it cause it’s visually what Wu-Tang was with Enter the Wu - some ole sloppy, stripped-down raw shit that gets right to the point. It’s some hip hop shit - someone with limited resources making the most out of it. So I don’t have animos with the dudes and ladies in the video as much as I want them to look at it and ask themselves: “Am I guilty of this?” Sometimes you need someone to pull your card for you. The shit is love for real, but you know the dickrider types that are on some “fanboy” shit are going to just take offense to the fact that some dude dissed their favorite rapper.

It’s good to hear that you’ve got taste in beats instead of all this drum machine and synth bullshit.

I’m a hip hopper. But rest assured, I may be heard to spit over some of these bullshit beats just to clarify how it should be done. You know I am not here to big myself up - this song isn’t for sale. It isn’t getting me any money, I’m not signed to anyone, I hide my face so I aint even gonna get that groupie pussy thing going on. I am doing this for this reason - I am trying to be the catalyst. The dude that comes and shits on the status quo, starts to shake shit up a bit, wake people up - sorta like Morpheus. At first Neo thought he was the man, but it turned out that Morpheus was just trying to open the door for Neo, so that he could fulfill his destiny.

That is what my mind tells me I am here to do - open the door for the next slew of ill artists that might never get any shine because they actually have talent and want to say something. But because this industry got the music in a choke hold they won’t even make the music they are capable of making because they have to conform to get on. That’s sad and I would see that bullshit undone. And finally, I want to say that I am not going to be on a campaign to make people agree with me or like what I said or like me as an artist. I’m not tryna be “the best MC” or “Your favorite Rappers Favorite Rapper”. I’m just trying to be the best that I can be, so I can get these thoughts off my chest. And for all those folks that want to say how I could have said it a better way and got my point across - you’re wrong. Y’all soft-talking apologetic Negroes and politically correct types have accomplished nothing more than a facade of equality and respect. This country, these communities are getting worse and worse each generation. If your way was so right then I would never have been compelled to write the song in the first place.

And on some honest shit - just so I don’t seem like some over-angry psycho - I got access to beats for days and days. If you got a better version of the song I’ll send you a beat, you put your video together on Movie Maker and make some fucking impact and change. If you cannot - and of surety ye cannot - then shut the fuck up and let me handle my business. When I finish the dirty work, then you can come in with your nice talk and open arms and hug and kiss and coddle just as many of these fuckers as you want. But just know that the only reason they are even listening is ’cause a dude like me woke they ass up!

When can we expect your debut album?

Who’s to say? I don’t care if I ever get a deal. But I bet that when my job is done you’da thought I was signed to Def Jam or something like that. I just want to make an impact. I have other things in life to accomplish…this is just one of them.


ill o.g.
that was deep. alot of truth spoken. we have a long way to go before we wake up, open our eyes, and see the world for what it is.

Excellent post!


none of Y.G.D.B
ill o.g.
that shit was deep shame tho people ain't gonna make the change tho imagine if there was money in that concious music would be funny to see how manymc's sorry "Rappers" would jump on the band wagon


Ill Muzikoligist
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 4
Thanks for the link, definitely deep and real shit.
UMC's killed it back in the day, I still carry the 12" of "One to Grow On" around with me.
Funny how he mentions people overreacting when Bill Cosby made some criticisms, now they doing the same thing to him. he already nicely defended himself even before they could attack.
Also interesting that the same philosophy of KRS, you need the violent message to sell the positive message, rings true. If he just said flowers and roses, be nice to each other, this shit would have never been heard by ten people. Instead it got heard by 30000+, great shit. Banned by youtube is the icing on the cake, they're breaking every copyright law in the book, showing things jacked straight off the major networks, yet they ban this song, funny...


ill o.g.
that shyt is fire and the ebat is fire...one of the ebst videos ive seen in a while