dogs/ pets


The Bastard

anyone here got dogs, ive never lived in an apartment where the landlord/city, would allow dogs, hence i grew up without mans best friend , i got a cat and a ferret tho, no they dont play with each other
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50 cal

King of the West
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
i always wanted a dog when i was little, but never got one. I thought about geting one now but i'd probally neglect it being so busy with music. i wanted a farret too, somebody told me there illega though.


Posted Up
ill o.g.
Man, I've always wanted a ferret, but yeah 50 they're illegal out here in Cali. I've always wanted a sugar glider too.

My family has three cats and my girl has two dogs. I like cats because they basically take care of themselves and they don't bug you too much. Cats take care of there business in one area whereas dogs tend to be liberal with it. Dogs are cool though, but I prefer small dogs like the maltese or pomeranian breeds. Dogs have some crazy personalities. They cry, growl and show love better than cats. The biggest downside is that they tend to smell and you have to bathe them.

When I get a place of my own, I'll probably get a cat.

I read recently that dogs can only vocalize about 10 sounds whereas cats can make over 100.


50 cal

King of the West
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
M!nd_Ctrl said:
Man, I've always wanted a ferret, but yeah 50 they're illegal out here in Cali. I've always wanted a sugar glider too.

My family has three cats and my girl has two dogs. I like cats because they basically take care of themselves and they don't bug you too much. Cats take care of there business in one area whereas dogs tend to be liberal with it. Dogs are cool though, but I prefer small dogs like the maltese or pomeranian breeds. Dogs have some crazy personalities. They cry, growl and show love better than cats. The biggest downside is that they tend to smell and you have to bathe them.

When I get a place of my own, I'll probably get a cat.

I read recently that dogs can only vocalize about 10 sounds whereas cats can make over 100.


i used to like cats but there kinda evil lol.

oh and what is a sugar glider

The Bastard

50 cal said:
i always wanted a dog when i was little, but never got one. I thought about geting one now but i'd probally neglect it being so busy with music. i wanted a farret too, somebody told me there illega though.
if i could go back i wouldnt have gotten my feret, they smell, and they are hard to take care of, but im attached to it now so i cant just dump it. and cats are evil mine bit my mom a few times hard.

50 cal

King of the West
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1

The Bastard

50 cal said:
i heard ferets do kind of smell
yo i just did a search on sugar gliders, and they seem tight. i kinda want one now.,585&ei=UTF-8
lol what the fuck, that thing looks like a racoon with bat wings. they do seem ill tho, id get one if they wernt hard to maintain. you have to give it a balanced diet , which i cant even give myself, let alone an animal. plus them things are 400 bucks, i could prolly go to indonesia and capture one myself for cheaper


Iller Than Most
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Thas sugarglider looks cool as hell. What a little bugger... :D

I live in an apt, only 24squarefeet so I think having a cat in here would be cruel to the cat. I love em though and def want one as soon as I move somewhere bigger. I have a cat at my moms n dads place. Or actually, it's their cat. But it likes me the most and always cling to me when I'm home.
They are the coolest animals and defenetly have full personalities. This one is a real primadonna I can tell you that.

We also have a big fat black cat who's just the oposite from the lil one. He's the worlds biggest slacker, just like me. You can walk up to him and tip him over and he wont get up. And we've devised a game with him that he totally acceps and just lays there and looks kinda yawning at.
Heres the gameplan. Someone go after him on the parkett floor, tip him over and then you can slide him just like a hockeypuck between the different players. And he won't be bothered. He just lays there gets slided on the floor and purs..

I like that silly mutherfucker :D


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