does anyone have experience with the mackie onyx series??

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
im thinking about copping one of these onyx mixers along with the firewire card.. it seems like a great setup beacuse i just like having the flexibilty of an analog mixer and the card is specifically built to use with the mixer so it seems real cool...i heard the preamps are real nice too .. any input is appreciated



Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
I thought they were pretty good, didnt understand why nobody else came with that solution. But with 16chnls it's targeted at home studio's or pre-production, on the other hand, dubbing is quite ez and the multitrack setup should be a solid issue on this one, you can also chain another Onyx to expand to 32chnls ( although that might look silly having 2 control room panels ) . Enough I/O, even direct outputs ( dsub balanced ), inserts per channel and thank god, enough aux/returns and 4 busses. All control room options are present so it looks good except for one little issue.....

96kHz, get up to date man!!

I also find it somewhat overpriced considering the firewire option is an additional 400 bucks to the 1400 bucks already.

I could name some alternatives, but what the hell you do you want ? Convenience or quality ? and on what budget ?

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
yeah i think they got a 24, 32, and 48 board track now but firewire support only works for the 12 and 16 versions... im considering it as one of my options... yeah i was looking at the specs and wouldve have liked to see 192khz especially cuz the card is new .. but im told the diffrence isnt all that bewtween 96 and 192 soooo... i dunno still i might get moght not.... actually what i want is enough channels to hook the 8 outs on the 4k.. the six channels... on whatver module i get prolly motif es.. and 2 left for recording vocals or instruments.. so i dont really need more than 16 at this point but im open to any suggestions if you got them.. my buget is like 1200 or so... holla bac..


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
You wont make it anyway for a full onyx set, being at 1800 bucks for the 1640 including firewire ( 1620 is immediatly lesser condidate for a convenient multitrack setup). Considering that's only 96K is expensive since it's "outdated" but on the otherhand you're right, there hardly any difference and most studios even record simply at 44.1kHz/24bit (less clocking issues, next step would be 88.2kHz and so on which is preferable).

Still, it's the only kit around except for a SSL 900AVS that has converters embedded into the analogue mixer with digital connection. An alternative means a seperate console alike the onyx which is the 1604VLZ ( but scope out A&H Mixwizard 16:2, much better eq IMO, more connectivity ) and any means to record 16 I/O's, preferably up to date, at 192kHz. The sum of that would exceed 1200, hell even 1800 depending on what you're going for.

Next question; you got a lot of digital output available instead of analog ? MPC4k and other gear/fx ? and which has the highest resolution ( I assume it's either 48/96K ) ? If you figure out how much digital connectivity you require the setup could be changed to your budget, if not for the better ( hey, it's fibre optics, no static, no noise! ).

Ash Holmz

The Bed-Stuy Fly Guy
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 207
how good are digital outs.. do they sound as good and thick as analog .. i have no experience with them ..... but i know that the mpc has features where u can use the qlink on the mp to control your levels from within your daw when using your digital outputs.. ... but i always equated digtal with thin but is that the case?.. educate me a lil on digital outs please beacuse u r right that can change my setup completely


Digital Smokerings
ill o.g.
well, that depends on the converters used on both ends ( mpc <-> interface ), you can imagine using an Apogee model in between and you'll have problems getting that rediculous grin of your face hehe ( or crying moneywise ). But in general it's good, problems that could pop up are with converting clock, keeping a lock on a sync.

( read this )

and this

MPC4K <-> DPS24 via ADAT ( which is pretty much the same )

Next question; How many and which digital output do you have, in that way you know how input you require. MPC4K would use ADAT, but you speak of more gear that could have AES/EBU, S/PDIF etc. In general ( and from my situation ) RME offer a lot of solutions with very good quality ( check my studio init files which are RME 9652 multitracked through a Sountracks Topaz, they're not finished but you can listen quality wise what 44khz/24 bit through ADAT sounds like. The setup goes as follows, Synths etc analogue to console chnls -> tape out /chnl from console -> ADAT converter 32chnls -> RME HDSP, this is record modus. Playback/mixdown modus logic -> RME 32 out -> ADAT converter 32 out -> console inserts. From mixdown goes 2 chnl back to logic for record master 2 track. In this way we keep everything analogue ( and powerfull ) and using digital means for transport only. In terms of mastering, you can put an Apogee 2chnl converter in route of the 2track master to record to master recorder at 192kHz/24bit. ).