does anyone have a clue?


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
What's going on with the promotion of new artist and albums? In today's market you would think that labels and their subsidies would be promoting new talent like crazy, but I'm missing it. The best promoting that I'm seeing is coming from shows like 106 & Park and maybe a talk show like Monique and 90% of the time they do it - it's seasoned artist, not very many newbies. I don't get it. I'm finding tons of good quality music that I've never heard of. Maybe its me, I don't listen to any radio these days, I'm kinda tired of hearing the normal chart Toppers over and over.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Less money to promote + Niche markets getting the dollars + most artists being indie. (Few major artists) = You gotta be in the right place at the right time. Its truly undergound now


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
@Stress - ahhhh, so they would rather go that route than doing some real promotion. I see now.

@DOX - It would seem that the indies would capitalize on this by doing a little more promoting themselves. With very few being signed to the majors, it seems that they would be even more determined to get their artist out. Then again, I guess the internet is still hindering everything because people would see the advertisement and shoot straight to the internet to d/l


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
@DOX - It would seem that the indies would capitalize on this by doing a little more promoting themselves. With very few being signed to the majors, it seems that they would be even more determined to get their artist out. Then again, I guess the internet is still hindering everything because people would see the advertisement and shoot straight to the internet to d/l

Naw, they are getting their artist out. Its ALL underground now. Thats whats popular, even for majors. +, the internet IS the new radio (blogs/streaming sites/youtube/curated music sites). Top40 people still pay radio for spins and ads but its SORELY unneeded now AND it doesnt reep the returns of indies and even most majors. They're all hurting for cash right now and most have collapsed. All promo is going to PR people for blog/Magazine/site review/coverage. That, twitter/facebook and shows/touring. Thats where all effort and $$$ are going because you can still make a living off supplying your markets with live music. Actually, live music is how they offset recording costs, and everything else (Except for a little CD sales, but if you're major you will be forced to use distribution services like Amazon/Itunes/etc that takes a cut, where as indies can set up their own storefront on their website to make almost all the bank)


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
email bombs and viral videos are the new street teams

Naw, they are getting their artist out. Its ALL underground now. Thats whats popular, even for majors. +, the internet IS the new radio (blogs/streaming sites/youtube/curated music sites). Top40 people still pay radio for spins and ads but its SORELY unneeded now AND it doesnt reep the returns of indies and even most majors. They're all hurting for cash right now and most have collapsed. All promo is going to PR people for blog/Magazine/site review/coverage. That, twitter/facebook and shows/touring. Thats where all effort and $$$ are going because you can still make a living off supplying your markets with live music. Actually, live music is how they offset recording costs, and everything else (Except for a little CD sales, but if you're major you will be forced to use distribution services like Amazon/Itunes/etc that takes a cut, where as indies can set up their own storefront on their website to make almost all the bank)

Very interesting, if this is whats happening then they are missing a lot of people! Ok I understand why they don't do it like the old days but it just seems like thats the only way to reach out further. For me as an example, I'm on the internet for hours each day. I don't venture from my usual spots too often.

I visit a few Hip Hop sites, general infomation sites on music production stuff, Youtube, Google and Wikipedia alot. On the Hip Hop sites, I never really pay any attention to the ads because most of them are the Big Names in the industry (the usual stuff that most people deem relevant), I don't find very many newbies at all. Same with Youtube, I don't go on it exploring, 95% of the time I know what I'm looking for and go straight to it.

I'm sure that I'm not the only person that does this so where do I find info on new artist? I mean is there a one stop spot where I can find info on new artist?

Oh and this is what brought this thread up...I'm doing an album review on a new artist that I never heard of...his MC name is Casey I'm listening to his music I'm saying to myself...damn, dude has some skills. I'm over half way done and I haven't heard 1 song that I didn't like. I'm thinking WOW, I've never even heard of this dude but he has music thats awesome.

UPDATE: So I google this cat just for kicks and I see a Youtube video on him, I click on the youtube link, watch the vid and sure the end it pops up...'check him out on itunes and blah...funny thing is I never would've found this guy without just stumbling on him.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Very interesting, if this is whats happening then they are missing a lot of people! Ok I understand why they don't do it like the old days but it just seems like thats the only way to reach out further. For me as an example, I'm on the internet for hours each day. I don't venture from my usual spots too often.

I visit a few Hip Hop sites, general infomation sites on music production stuff, Youtube, Google and Wikipedia alot. On the Hip Hop sites, I never really pay any attention to the ads because most of them are the Big Names in the industry (the usual stuff that most people deem relevant), I don't find very many newbies at all. Same with Youtube, I don't go on it exploring, 95% of the time I know what I'm looking for and go straight to it.

I'm sure that I'm not the only person that does this so where do I find info on new artist? I mean is there a one stop spot where I can find info on new artist?

Oh and this is what brought this thread up...I'm doing an album review on a new artist that I never heard of...his MC name is Casey I'm listening to his music I'm saying to myself...damn, dude has some skills. I'm over half way done and I haven't heard 1 song that I didn't like. I'm thinking WOW, I've never even heard of this dude but he has music thats awesome.

This is the million dollar question, how do you reach more people? The stores are gone, you can get a radio spin at 3am, possibly, if you pay or kiss some ass. Whats left? Hip Hop site promo by featuring them, there. The ads arent where the REAL ads are haha. Its curation of content; blogs. Catering to a niche, thats where the promo is. you gotta be in the right spot to get there, and its everywhere. Like in the 90's, you HAD to go to the hole in the wall spots to find these people. There is no one way, if there was? Millions of artists would be spamming that way right now.

Find your niche, and find others in it that support it and build that community. Thats promo now. Everything else is a waste of money, and amounts to spam essentially. You want to target those specifically interested in what you have, not broadcast (Spam) your stuff over every chanel you can sign up for.

Speaking of, Relic, whats with the radio spam? lol


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Oh and this is what brought this thread up...I'm doing an album review on a new artist that I never heard of...his MC name is Casey I'm listening to his music I'm saying to myself...damn, dude has some skills. I'm over half way done and I haven't heard 1 song that I didn't like. I'm thinking WOW, I've never even heard of this dude but he has music thats awesome.

UPDATE: So I google this cat just for kicks and I see a Youtube video on him, I click on the youtube link, watch the vid and sure the end it pops up...'check him out on itunes and blah...funny thing is I never would've found this guy without just stumbling on him.

Ps. Ive heard of him. On twitter through word of mouth and his niche network. It also helps that he's being managed by rock nation. ..I mean, that doesnt hurt lol (Never cared enough to take a listen though)


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
Really dope album! He's a west coast rapper but his production has a lot of east coast flav. I'll be finishing up the review sometime tomorrow or possibly later on tonight, be sure to check it out. =)


ill o.g.
This thread kinda dovetails into the point I was trying to make about the "relevence" of an artist...hip hop is becoming more local centric, thats a good thing...

As far as majors promoting artists...well, they seem to be doing fine.